
Snake eyes: murder in a southern town

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The teenage girl and the ranch owner -- The father and the friend -- The funeral and the skateboard -- The killer -- The drowning, the women and the mother -- Mental health and the getaway -- The rumors -- The sprees -- The stalker -- The redbird -- The crime scene photographer and the cousin -- Evil personified -- The picture in the casket -- The post-murder meltdown -- The state hospital -- The psychiatric team diagnosis -- The posthumous birthday gift -- The foreclosure -- The trial stay to first day -- The admission -- Faking bad -- The psychiatrists' say -- The jury deliberates -- The verdict -- The sentence -- The death row inmate -- Rockefeller's goodwill and peace to prisoners -- The fifth marriage and the escape -- The chest pains and newspaper clippings -- The string pulling -- The keep forever letters -- Oregon or bust -- The logjam loosened -- The final headline -- The Cathie road trips -- Appendix : what happened to them?

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Snake Eyes: Murder in a Southern Town



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