
The Biology of Alcoholism: Volume 1: Biochemistry

In: Springer eBook Collection



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Absorption, Diffusion, Distribution, and Elimination of Ethanol: Effects on Biological Membranes -- The Metabolism of Alcohol in Normals and Alcoholics: Enzymes -- Effect of Ethanol on Intracellular Respiration and Cerebral Function -- Effect of Ethanol on Neurohumoral Amine Metabolism -- The Role of Acetaldehyde in the Actions of Ethanol -- The Effect of Alcohol on Carbohydrate Metabolism: Carbohydrate Metabolism in Alcoholics -- Protein, Nucleotide, and Porphyrin Metabolism -- Effects of Ethanol on Lipid, Uric Acid, Intermediary, and Drug Metabolism, Including the Pathogenesis of the Alcoholic Fatty Liver -- Biochemistry of Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease in Alcoholism -- Alcohol and Vitamin Metabolism -- The Effect of Alcohol on Fluid and Electrolyte Metabolism -- Mineral Metabolism in Alcoholism -- Alcohol-Endocrine Interrelationships -- Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Alcohol -- Biochemical Mechanisms of Alcohol Addiction -- Methods for the Determination of Ethanol and Acetaldehyde -- The Chemistry of Alcoholic Beverages.

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