
Estatismo y liberalismo: experiencias en desarrollo

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"Since the founding of the Latin American republics, and probably in the future will continue in the same way, the history of the region has been characterized by the permanent traffic between the application of policies and economic models of state-protectionist and liberal orientation. Bolivia could not be an exception, its economic history also shows this swing change. From time to time, the pendulum orientation of economic policy varies between estatismoproteccionismo and liberalism. In our country since 2006, the pendulum has swung toward estatistaproteccionista policy, shifting to liberalism, which is implemented with enthusiasm and assuming you are innovating when in fact the only thing that changed are the historical contexts, actors and decision makers. Estatistasproteccionistas that implemented the plans, programs and projects from the forties to mid-eighties of the twentieth century, have died, and liberals who emerged in the second half of the 1980s are not the same as those who made decisions between 1900 and thirties of the twentieth century. Of course, as Keynes "In the long run we are all dead." Whereas at the moment the direction of economic policy is protectionist and statist-liberal experience is recent, the Foundation has been deemed appropriate to objectively compare the economic performance of the two models. To this end it has convened a group of economists who have significant experience in economic analysis, both in Bolivia and abroad, for the development of the work and respective comments. Addition were chosen considering their ideological orientation, among estatistasproteccionistas and liberals, so the establishment of analysts and commentators is balanced. Each work written by a professional government guidance, was commented on by another liberal. Also, articles from liberal economists were discussed by economists statist tradition ... Napoleon T. Pacheco ..."-- http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://www.fundacion-milenio.org/Libros/estatismo-y-liberalismo-experiencias-en-desarrolo.html&prev=/search%3Fq%3DEstatismo%2By%2Bliberalismo%26biw%3D1456%26bih%3D754 (translation as viewed on June 6, 2014)

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