
Gesellschaftliche Desintegration und Individualismus: Die Heitmeyer-Schule

In: Neue soziale Bewegungen: Forschungsjournal, Band 7, Heft 4, S. 93-99

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A review essay on books by: Wilhelm Heitmeyer, Rechtsextremistische Orientierungen bei Jugendlichen. Empirische Ergebnisse und Erklarungsmuster einer Untersuchung zur politischen Sozialisation (Right-Wing Extremist Orientations of Youth. Empirical Results and Explanation from an Investigation of Political Socialization); Wilhelm Heitmeyer & Jorg Ingo Peter, Jugendliche Fussballfans. Soziale und politische Orientierungen, Gesellungsformen, Gewalt (Young Foozeball Fans. Social and Political Orientation, Social Formation and Power); & Wilhelm Heitmeyer et al, Die Bielefelder Rechtsextremismus-Studie. Erste Langzeitungersuchung zur politischen Sozialisation mannlicher Jugendlicher ([The Bielefeld Right-Wing extremism Study. First Long-Term Study of Political Socialization among Male Youth] Juventa, Weinheim, 1987, 1988, & 1992, respectively; [see listings in IRPS No. 80]). Critically analyzes the ideas of Wilhelm Heitmeyer & his team of researchers at the U of Bielefeld, Germany. The Heitmeyer school identifies a causal connection between capitalistic means of production, cultural erosion, feelings of isolation & inferiority among youth, & the turn to right-wing extremist orientations in contemporary Germany. Several problematics of Heitmeyer's work are discussed, including: whether violence is a normal action form to settle conflict; the definition & actual extent of right-wing extremism in Germany; why isolated individuals choose group membership based on nationality & ethnicity rather than some other trait; & why women under the same conditions of social disintegration are much less likely to adopt right-wing orientations. Heitmeyer's methodology is critiqued & his findings compared to those of other research, including studies that locate the causes of extremism in political socialization or authoritarian family structures. E. Blackwell

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