
Redimensionnement des relations internationales et francophonie

In: Studia diplomatica: Brussels journal of international relations, Volume 53, Issue 3, p. 5-20

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It is argued that certain global changes have led to the emergence of deterritorialized powers, & that a good example of this sort of body without a physical location is the International Francophone Organization (IFO), characterized as a complex institutional system that has moved in rhythm with the world's transformations. The relationship between Francophonie, the IFO, & the concept of the international, global organization is explored. It is contended that while the concept of Francophonie refers to shared language, this shared language itself unites diverse groups into a single organization, creating a multicultural mosaic. Scholars of international relations are said to lack a paradigm to describe a group like the IFO, which manages to combine external & internal factors, macro- & micropolitical dimensions, & both global & local issues. D. Weibel

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