
India vieja y nueva (instituciones, descentralizacion, empleo)

In: Foro internacional: revista trimestral, Volume 48, Issue 3, p. 660-674

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From the early nineties, India's economic growth has accelerated, revealing several critical aspects, from the persistent consequences of an agrarian reform implemented without considering the quality of its institutions or the dynamic links between computer science & the domestic market, to the excessive weight services have had in the economy's long-term reactivation. Ancient tasks -- overcoming secular caste segmentation in the people's conscience -- mixed with more recent ones, such as creating a dozen million jobs a year for the next decades, in order to ensure the social stability that its economic growth requires. Adapted from the source document.


Spanish; Castilian


El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico, D.F.

ISSN: 0185-013X

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