
Introduction: European Cities and Their New Residents


International migration, uneven in both time & space & concentrated in urban cities, is a major phenomenon within Western Europe, though these have not been considered classical immigration countries. While countries such as Belgium, Switzerland, & France had a long immigration history prior to WWII, countries such as the United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany, Austria & the Netherlands acquired their experience in the decades following WWII, & yet others such as Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece & Ireland were emigration countries until the last decade or two. European perception of immigration is less accepting than that of classical immigration countries, resulting in generally late & piecemeal development of national integration policies. Though the perceptions & policies may change in the future within the EU, the current situation remains incongruous & ambivalent. The Multicultural Policies & Modes of Citizenship in European Cities project (MPMC) was a cross-national research project focused on empirical study & comparison of local immigrant policies & political participation within European studies that was launched in 1996 & ends with the publication of this volume of in depth comparisons on selected topics. 35 References. L. Kehl

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