
The Mobilization of a Religious Elite: Political Activism among Southern Baptist Clergy in 1996


Data for an analysis of political participation among South Baptist ministers were drawn from a 1996 survey completed by 361 ministers that addressed 24 activity items & various perspectives. Special attention was given to four sources of activism: personal resources; professional ideology; issue mobilization; & organizational activity. A series of multiple ordinary least squares regression analyses, followed by a final regression analysis, showed that social class background, current social class, & educational attainment had no impact on political activism. A minister's approval of political activity was the factor that contributed the most to clergy activism; however, concern about moral issues, political interest, strength of conservative convictions, & strong preference for the Republican party were contributory factors. There was also indication of organizational influences, especially on the part of members of the Christian Coalition, & greater political participation by ministers from larger churches or those whose members approved of their political involvement. 2 Tables. J. Lindroth

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