
Lobbying or Protest: Strategies to Influence EU Environmental Policies


Presents eight arguments to explain the glaring absence of environmental protests against the European Union (EU) compared to protests by other groups, especially farmers/agricultural organizations, even though environmental groups are active in protest politics at national/regional levels. Since environmentalists are actively involved in lobbying & the EU level, their avoidance of physical protests requires examining strategic options available in both their home countries & Brussels. The possible reasons include the following: (1) The role of EU environmental polices is minor in relation to national policies; (2) Use of domestic channels of influence is more favorable. (3) Lobbying is more effective than protest actions at the EU level. (4) Characteristics of interest representation at the EU level are likely to make protests more difficult. (5) There is a lack of resources. (6) It is difficult to motivate activists to protest in Brussels. (7) EU-based protests get less media attention. (8) Environmental issues are not as immediately consequential to people's livelihoods as farmer/worker issues. It is concluded that the situation is unlikely to change in the near future. 1 Table. J. Lindroth

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