
Transporting Los Angeles


Discusses the current problems facing the transportation system in Los Angeles, CA, & some potential solutions. Although the extensive highway transportation system & automobile dependency in Los Angeles have allowed rapid growth & promoted business & recreation mobility, these gains have come at the expense of certain social costs: massive air pollution, the time & labor costs of freeway congestion, & the denial of opportunities to the carless. Government solutions to these problems are expansion of the rail system & transportation demand management, eg, carpool matching, sponsored vanpools, preferred parking for carpools, & transit & ride-sharing subsidies. It is argued that these programs are unlikely to succeed unless they are combined with measures that require auto users to pay for the social costs of their usage; such measures would include increases in fuel taxes, registration fees, & road pricing. Further, technology must be used to reduce the social costs of transportation & more flexible alternatives must be offered. 4 Tables, 3 Figures, 23 References. T. Sevier

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