
The influence game: the meaning of defence for smaller Europeans

In: Globale Herausforderungen - globale Antworten: eine wissenschaftliche Publikation des Bundesministeriums für Landesverteidigung und Sport, S. 365-373


"In November 2009 the Lisbon Treaty changed the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) into the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) whilst in November 2010 Lisbon saw the launch of NATO's new Strategie Concept. Both the EU and NATO face a profound set of questions as they seek a credible security role in a rapidly changing world in which the place and prestige of Europe is diminished. This places smaller European countries in a particular dilemma for in the absence of a truly European strategic culture defence planning is fraught with complexity. What role to play and with whom? Where is the centre of gravity of the security and defence effort? What to buy and what to plan for? This article considers the defence planning challenges of smaller European powers in the context of the two Lisbons. Critically it considers how smaller European countries best achieve a critical commodity - influence. The influence over events, allies, partners and adversaries is in most instances the only reason why a smaller European country may wish to invest in some or other military capability." (author's abstract)

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