
170901 Ergebnisse


Open Access#1663962020

Indigenous sustainable forest management technique with a case study on "village common forest" in the Chittagong Hill tracts of Bangladesh


Open Access#1663972020

Experimental Investigation of Mass Flow Rate and Pressure-drop through Rupture Disk Devices with Compressible Two-Phase Flow


Open Access#1663982020

Participando aprendemos a participar :las experiencias en comunidades de práctica como oportunidades para el aprendizaje de la participación ciudadana de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil ; Experiencias en comunidades de práctica como oportunidades para el aprendizaje de la participación ciuda...


Open Access#1663992020

Transición agroecológica para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en el resguardo Muisca de Chía


Open Access#1664002020

Fluvial transportation in Colombia: operational perspective, environment, legislation and regulations, development potential ; Transporte fluvial en Colombia: operación, infraestructura, ambiente, normativa y potencial de desarrollo ; Transporte fluvial na Colômbia: perspectiva operacional, meio amb...


Open Access#1664012020

The «ecosystemization» of the objects of environmental law in the context of the implementation and realization of the ecosystem approach ; «Экосистемизация» объектов экологического права в контексте внедрения и реализации экосистемного подхода ; «Екосистемізація» об'єктів екологічного права в конте...


Open Access#1664022019

Elaboration mechanisms of electrodeposited composite zinc (inclusion of nano and microparticles) for the protection of steels against corrosion, and their adhesion properties improvement ; Compréhension des mécanismes d'élaboration de revêtements de zinc électrolytiques composites (nano et micropart...


Open Access#1664032019

Identifying indigenous practices for cultivation of wild saprophytic mushrooms:responding to the need for sustainable utilization of natural resources

In: Wendiro , D , Wacoo , A P & Wise , G 2019 , ' Identifying indigenous practices for cultivation of wild saprophytic mushrooms : responding to the need for sustainable utilization of natural resources ' , Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine , vol. 15 , no. 1 , 64 , pp. 1-15 .


Open Access#1664042019

Nuevas técnicas para el procesamiento masivo de datos de observación remota de la Tierra


Open Access#1664052019

Adoption and Impact of Agricultural Technologies Developed in Ecuador ; Adopción e impacto de las tecnologías agropecuarias generadas en el Ecuador ; Adoção e impacto de tecnologias agrícolas geradas no Equador


Open Access#1664062019

Что варят на политической кухне: аксиологический потенциал кулинарно-гастрономической метафоры в публицистическом дискурсе ; What is Cooked in the Political Kitchen: The Axiological Potential of the Culinary and Gastronomic Metaphor in Journalistic Discourse


Open Access#1664072019

Workshop for annual review of Building Resilient Agro-sylvopastoral Systems in West Africa through Participatory Action Research (BRAS-PAR) Project and planning "Partnerships for Scaling Climate-Smart Agriculture (P4S) Phase II


Open Access#1664082019

3D Interactive Visualization Method of Urban Waterlogging Based on Cesium


Open Access#1664092019

Analysis of summer O3 in the Madrid air basin with the LOTOS-EUROS chemical transport model


Open Access#1664102019

Historical maps and landscape analysis