The Politics of Inflation-Fighting in New Democracies
In: Studies in comparative international development, Band 31, Heft 2, S. 37
ISSN: 0039-3606
1611488 Ergebnisse
In: Studies in comparative international development, Band 31, Heft 2, S. 37
ISSN: 0039-3606
In: Political geography, Band 14, S. 665-687
ISSN: 0962-6298
Results of a survey conducted in three areas, broadly representative of elite, lower class, and central city social class structures, Oct. 1993; focuses on reforms of local administrative structures and on daily life.
In: Asian survey: a bimonthly review of contemporary Asian affairs, Band 26, Heft 9, S. 959-972
ISSN: 0004-4687
The study looks at politics and administration in a periurban community (Kutumpur village in Rajshahi district, just outside Rajshahi town) in Bangladesh through an investigation of the operation of a local government institution (Swanirvar Gram Sarkar). According to the author, politics and administration in a periurban community of Bangladesh is marked by intense competition and machinations to acquire influence by gaining control of local government institutions. (DÜI-Sen)
World Affairs Online
The conceptual foundations of term resilience in modern political science are highlighted, in particular the meaning of the concept of «resilience» in modern international relations, the key conceptual approaches used in research to understand resilience, which characterizes the response of subjects to stress, threat of any kind and origin, but its generally accepted definition has not yet been formed. The application of this concept in the documents of the European Union, in particular in the «EU Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy» in 2016, is studied. Particular attention is paid to policies towards third countries, with a special focus on sustainability policies towards them. The stages of formation of the European Neighbourhood Policy are traced. The problems and prospects of the EU cooperation with the Mediterranean countries and the Eastern Partnership countries are highlighted, namely the format and mechanisms of its existence; existing and potential obstacles. The main achievements and challenges of the Eastern Partnership policy implementation at the present stage are studied. The main achievements of Ukraine on the way of realization of its European integration policy, in particular achievements within the framework of the Eastern Partnership are defined.Key words: resilience; EU; European Neighbourhood Policy; Eastern Partnership; Ukraine. ; Висвітлено концептуальні основи стійкості в сучасній політичній науці, зокрема зміст поняття «стійкість»» в сучасних міжнародних відносинах, проаналізовано ключові концептуальні підходи, які використовуються у наукових дослідженнях щодо розуміння стійкості, що характеризує реакцію суб'єктів на стрес, загрозу будь-якого роду і походження, однак загальноприйнятого її визначення поки не сформовано. Досліджується застосування даного поняття в документах Європейського Союзу, зокрема в «Глобальній Стратегії ЄС щодо зовнішньої та безпекової політики» 2016 року. Особлива увага приділяється політиці стосовно третіх країн з особливим акцентом на політиці стійкості щодо них. Простежено етапи становлення Європейської політики сусідства. Висвітлено проблеми та перспективи співпраці ЄС з країнами Середземноморя та країнами «Східного партнерства», а саме формат і механізми його існування; наявні та потенційні перешкоди. Досліджено основні здобутки та виклики реалізації політики Східного партнерства на сучасному етапі. Визначено основні досягнення України на шляху реалізації її євроінтеграційної політики, зокрема здобутки в рамках Східного партнерства.Ключові слова: концепт стійкості; ЄС; Європейська політика сусідства; Східне партнерство; Україна.
In: The international spectator: a quarterly journal of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Italy, Band 27, S. 97-112
ISSN: 0393-2729
Analyzes policy choices in light of domestic developments, changes in the East and West, and perception of future trends.
In: Parliamentary affairs: a journal of representative politics, Band 55, Heft 1, S. 119-128
ISSN: 0031-2290
Since the end of the Cold War, many African countries have witnessed dramatic political changes which have included the adoption of multi-party elections and systems of parliamentary democracy. Some have done so emerging from authoritarian rule, others after emerging from conflict. In either case, both domestic and international dynamics for change embody some common expectations about the roles and participation of women in politics. Uganda has resisted international pressure, after emerging from war in 1986, to give up its system for 'no-party' democracy. It has also taken an unusually proactive line in ensuring that women participate in politics, and it is the site of an unusually sophisticated gender discourse in public life. It nonetheless contains deep faultlines along its gender divide and continues to struggle with the major political challenges of corruption and polarising ethnic and religious difference. (Parliamentary Affairs / FUB)
World Affairs Online
In: Reihe Rechtswissenschaft 217
Internationale Sportveranstaltungen wie die Olympischen Spiele oder die Fußballweltmeisterschaft sind herausragende Wettbewerbe des Sports. Sie sind zudem gesellschaftliche Großereignisse von hoher wirtschaftlicher und politischer Bedeutung. Über den Ausrichter einer internationalen Sportveranstaltung entscheiden die verantwortlichen internationalen Sportverbände wie das Internationale Olympische Komitee oder der Weltfußballverband FIFA. Die Vergabe der Sportveranstaltung an einen Ausrichter erfolgt in einem von den internationalen Sportverbänden festgelegten Verfahren und zu den von ihnen bestimmten Bedingungen. Rechtliche Vorgaben aus staatlichen Rechtsordnungen spielen bei der Ausgestaltung der Verfahren bislang kaum eine Rolle. Der Ablauf der Verfahren und die Entscheidungen über die Vergabe an einen bestimmten Ausrichter werden regelmäßig heftig kritisiert. Es werden mangelnde Transparenz der Vergabeverfahren, unfaire Ausgestaltung der Vergabebedingungen und Entscheidungen nach sachfremden Kriterien gerügt. Die Sportverbände berufen sich auf die Autonomie des Sports. Der Autor untersucht, welche Vorgaben sich aus dem Recht der Europäischen Union für die Vergabe einer internationalen Sportveranstaltung herleiten lassen. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung steht das primärrechtliche Vergaberecht mit seinen Grundsätzen der Gleichbehandlung und Transparenz. Anhand der unionsrechtlichen Maßstäbe wird die Ausgestaltung der Vergabeverfahren bedeutender internationaler Sportveranstaltungen bewertet
In: Parerga historiae et iuris 1
Judicial mediation, being essentially policy-driven, has been widely practiced in China without a solid theoretical and institutional framework. In an authoritarian state, while politics and law serve as normative restraints on judges from acting on their personal preferences, they are not the exclusive reasons shaping judicial behavior. Judges are not just policy maximizers or mechanical legalists. They are human beings. Beyond law and politics, which has been the focus of prior research on judicial mediation in China, how will other factors influence individual judicial behavior in China? The role of judicial mediation and informal justice in contemporary China also begs further questions. How do the gains of efficiency and substantive justice compare with the potential losses of procedural protections? Is the mandate of the judges to resolve the disputes between the parties by the most appropriate means, or is it only an attempt to render and enforce an authoritative binding decision? Do judges see themselves as a dispute resolver to resolve the immediate conflicts between the parties or as a guardian of justice that transcends the parties? Through a series of interviews of Chinese judges in six courts in three different cities at different stages of economic developments, the research provides an empirical narrative on how judicial mediation is actually practiced in China, and analyzes values and limitations of judicial mediation. The paper empirically illustrates the multiplicity of influences on judicial behavior in China, including personal motivations (such as promotion and sense of honor), identity (such as judges' seniority and position in the court, their age, professional competence, social experience, and personal characteristics), consideration of the possible reactions from other relevant actors (such as external pressure from political leaders, risks of appeal, remand or overrule from higher courts, and possible petitions from disputants), as well as cognitive biases (such as human sentiments, empathy, and emotions). The study also reveals the perception of the role of judges in China. The Chinese judges believe that their role is to proactively assist the parties in resolving their conflicts in the most appropriate means, which is not limited to rendering and enforcing binding decisions. They also tend to seek substantive justice in resolving the immediate disputes between the parties, with less attention paid to the procedural protections.Conceptually, the paper aspires to contribute to the field of comparative judicial behaviour, which shifts the focus of traditional comparative law on the legal structure, argument, and interpretation to a positive perspective, striving to describe and explain judges' choices and their consequences through empirical methodologies. This study attempts to expand our inquiry beyond the focus on the role of politics and law when analyzing judicial behavior. The paper advocates for a combination of different approaches, drawing upon methods in economics, sociology, social psychology, organizational sociology, political economy, and behavior economics.
In: West European politics, Band 38, Heft 2, S. 355-374
ISSN: 1743-9655
In: West European politics, Band 37, Heft 5, S. 1136-1155
ISSN: 1743-9655
In: West European politics, Band 36, Heft 5, S. 1052-1072
ISSN: 1743-9655
In: West European politics, Band 34, Heft 2, S. 181-207
ISSN: 1743-9655
In: Léonard, E., R. Erne, P. Marginson, and S. Smismans (with the collaboration of P. Tilly) 2007. New structures, forms and processes of governance in European industrial relations. Dublin: Eurofound and Luxembourg: Office for the Official Publications of the European Communities.