Making Space for Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights Under Current International Environmental Law
In: 15 GEO. INT'l ENVTL. L. REV. 497
2162258 Ergebnisse
In: 15 GEO. INT'l ENVTL. L. REV. 497
In: CESifo Working Paper No. 8965
USA, as the main imperialist power at a global level has interests throughout the planet and even in outer space, but today it is the region they call Indo-Pacific where they concentrate their strategic interests and their main military contingents, because there is the country that they consider their main strategic rival, the RPCh, which also has important ties with another adversary, the Russian Federation. It is important to mean that the United States is also involved in two of the most important confl icts that aff ect the Asian region: Afghanistan and the Korean Peninsula. They also refer to maritime and border disputes, and other transnational challenges or threats, that aff ect the region. ; EE.UU. como principal potencia imperialista a nivel global tiene intereses en todo el planeta e incluso en el espacio exterior, pero en la actualidad es en la región que ellos denominan Indo Pacífico donde concentran sus intereses estratégicos y sus principales contingentes militares, pues allí se encuentra el país que consideran su principal rival estratégico, la RPCh, la cual además tiene importantes lazos con otro adversario, la Federación de Rusia. Es necesario signifi car que EE.UU. está involucrado, además, en dos de los más importantes confl ictos que afectan a esta área geográfi ca: Afganistán y la Península Coreana. También es conveniente señalar las disputas marítimas y fronterizas, y otros desafíos o amenazas transnacionales, que afectan a ese conjunto de naciones.
ISSN: 2073-9540
In: German politics, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 1-13
ISSN: 1743-8993
In: Development in practice, Band 30, Heft 8, S. 1129-1136
ISSN: 1364-9213
In: Journal of peace research, Band 58, Heft 2, S. 279-293
ISSN: 1460-3578
While much research has been done on the domestic determinants of alliance institutionalization, there has been a neglect of the effect of domestic politics, by which we mean contestation between political actors in the same country. We hypothesize that the ideology of the parties governing countries negotiating the terms of security relationships will affect their preferences over the degree and kind of institutionalization seen in alliances. Drawing on previous literature, we argue that rightist parties are more sensitive to sovereignty costs and will therefore insist on maintaining more control over policy than their leftist counterparts. They can assert control either by imposing hierarchical forms of institutionalization when they are a stronger party to an alliance or by avoiding institutionalization altogether if they are the weaker party in an alliance. In contrast, we expect leftist parties to be less sensitive to sovereignty costs and generally favorable to more voice-driven, egalitarian institutions that have institutionalized mechanisms for consensus-building, regardless of their country's relative power position. Combining the ATOP dataset on alliance design with the Parties Manifesto Project, we find broad support for our hypotheses. Our findings indicate that scholars should pay more attention to the internal ideological contestation within countries, making room for domestic political factors that go beyond regime type.
In: Third world quarterly, Band 41, Heft 9, S. 1518-1536
ISSN: 1360-2241
In: Le temps des médias: revue d'histoire, Band 33, Heft 2, S. 6-19
ISSN: 2104-3671
In: Journal of ethnic and migration studies: JEMS, Band 47, Heft 17, S. 4040-4057
ISSN: 1469-9451
In: Voprosy istorii: VI = Studies in history, Band 2020, Heft 5, S. 146-152
In: European research studies, Band XXIII, Heft 2, S. 728-740
ISSN: 1108-2976
In: Journal of Chinese governance, Band 6, Heft 3, S. 417-434
ISSN: 2381-2354
In: Gemeinsam leben: Zeitschrift für integrative Erziehung, Heft 1, S. 46-54
ISSN: 0943-8394
Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick zur gegenwärtig populären Repräsentation von Sehbeeinträchtigung auf YouTube. Traditionelle Massenmedien zeichnen sich im Umgang mit Behinderung vor allem durch fehlende Repräsentation, stereotype Missrepräsentation und kaum vorhandene Selbst-Präsentation aus. Demgegenüber schaffen soziale Onlinemedien wie YouTube einen Möglichkeitsraum, der eine individualisierte Selbstdarstellung erlaubt, welcher zunehmend auch von behinderten Menschen genutzt wird. In unserem Beitrag charakterisieren wir die aktuell erfolgreichsten Kanäle und Videos sehbeeinträchtigter YoutuberInnen bezüglich ihrer zentralen Merkmale und ihrer vorrangig behandelten Themen. Abschließend fassen wir unsere Einsichten zusammen und geben einen Ausblick auf Anschlussuntersuchungen.
Working paper