
18807 Ergebnisse


Open Access#184362019

Taxation in the BE-NE-Lux countries – a comparative analysis


Open Access#184372015

Comparative effectiveness of silvicultural interventions for increasing timber production and sustaining conservation values in natural tropical production forests. A systematic review protocol


Open Access#184382015

L'agriculture intra-urbaine à Montpellier (France) et à Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso). Pour mieux vivre en ville et mieux vivre la ville


Open Access#184392013

'A rereading of the Werner Report of 8 October 1970 in the light of the Pierre Werner family archives' ; "Une relecture du rapport Werner du 8 octobre 1970 à la lumière des archives familiales Pierre Werner"


Open Access#184402013

Inventory of the institutional sources consulted for the research corpus 'A rereading of the Werner Report of 8 October 1970 in the light of the Pierre Werner family archives' ; Inventaire des sources institutionnelles consultées pour le corpus de recherche "Une relecture du rapport Werner du 8 octo...


Open Access#184411480

Challenges in completing EMU: asymmetric competition vs fiscal harmonisation. A case study of the Benelux countries



Open Access#184422008

Determinants for using economic evaluation in decision-making within the Colombian health system ; Determinantes de la utilización de la evaluación económica en la toma de decisiones dentro del sistema de salud colombiano ; Déterminants de l´utilisation de l´évaluation économique dans la prise de dé...



Institutional change and economic development

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#184442022

Feeding the world better: Crop diversification to build sustainable food systems


Open Access#184452021

Utilisation de la télédétection pour la cartographie des systèmes de culture intégrés : contribution au suivi de l'agriculture bas carbone dans l'Etat du Mato Grosso, Brésil


Open Access#184462021

Positive influence of certification on the financial performance of cocoa production models in Cameroon


Open Access#184472021

Non-territorial autonomy and gender equality: The case of the autonomous administration of north and east Syria - Rojava ; Neteritorijalna autonomija i rodna ravnopravnost: slučaj Autonomne uprave Severne i Istočne Sirije – Rožave


Open Access#184482021

Bolivia will receive the benefit by boosting the only port that it owns. Cobija and Litoral between the local authority and the administration of José Ballivián (1841-47) ; "Bolivia recibirá el provecho siendo impulsado el solo puerto que posee". Cobija y el Litoral entre el poder local y la adminis...


Open Access#184492020

Analysis of the financial planning of graduate students in administration, Córdoba, Spain ; Análisis sobre la planeación financiera de los estudiantes de la Lic. en Administración, Córdoba, España


Open Access#184502020

The rules of probative weight as a privilege of the State Administration's power to impose penalties ; Las reglas de peso probatorio como privilegio de la potestad sancionadora de la Administración del Estado