
232953 Ergebnisse


Open Access#2234712014

From acts and Identities: Homosexuality in the Construction of Modernity ; De actos e identidades: La homosexualidad en la construcción de la Modernidad ; De atos e identidades: a homossexualidade no Construção da Modernidade


Open Access#2234722013

Integrated Marketing Communication in Connecting Buyer and Seller Prior to Selecting the Supplier of Industrial Capital Goods


Open Access#2234732013

We'll build in sonnets pretty rooms: una nueva mirada a la poesía inglesa del siglo XVII


Open Access#2234742012

Surveying Romanian Migrants in Italy Before and After the EU Accession: Migration Plans, Labour Market Features and Social Inclusion


Open Access#2234752012

「國族」統攝「性別」?: 近代中國知識分子的性別與國族論述. ; 近代中國知識分子的性別與國族論述 ; 國族統攝性別? ; Nation precedes gender?: modern Chinese intellectuals' discourse on gender and nation ; Modern Chinese intellectuals' discourse on gender and nation ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; "Guo zu" tong she "xing bie"?: jin ...


Open Access#2234762012

Marriages between Greek Cypriots and foreign nationals in the Republic of Cyprus: a sociological study on mate selection ; Γάμοι μεταξύ Ελληνοκυπρίων και αλλοδαπών στην Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία. Μια κοινωνιολογική μελέτη επί της επιλογής συζύγου


Open Access#2234772012

Projekts: Topošo vecāku skola SIA "MOM@DAD" izveide ; Project: School for future parents "MOM@DAD" LLC


Open Access#2234782012

Morālās spriešanas spēju, morāles intuitīvo pamatu, politiskās orientācijas un reliģiozitātes saistība ; RELATIONSHIP OF MORAL COMPETENCE, MORAL FOUNDATIONS, POLITICAL ORIENTATION AND RELIGIOSITY


Open Access#2234792012

Marriages between Greek Cypriots and foreign nationals in the Republic of Cyprus: a sociological study on mate selection ; Γάμοι μεταξύ Ελληνοκυπρίων και αλλοδαπών στην Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία. Μια κοινωνιολογική μελέτη επί της επιλογής συζύγου


Open Access#2234802011

La suspensión del contrato de trabajo por maternidad y paternidad en la nueva Ley Orgánica de Igualdad


Open Access#2234812010

Rechtstransfer im Fokus : Die Übertragung europäischen Rechts im Bereich der Gleichbehandlung von Frauen und Männern im Rahmen des Erweiterungsprozesses nach Bulgarien und Rumänien


Open Access#2234822008

Historia del arte de los partos en el ámbito familiar ; History of art in childbirth in family environment ; História da arte dos partos no âmbito familiar


Open Access#2234832007

Abortion in Democratic Spain: The Parliamentary Political Agenda 1979–2004


Open Access#2234842007

Self-rated quality of life among unemployed people and people in work in northern Sweden ; Självskattad livskvalitet bland arbetslösa och sysselsatta i norra Sverige


Open Access#2234852006

The Irish Study of Sexual Health and Relationships Main Report