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12745131 Ergebnisse
In: Schriften zum deutschen und internationalen Persönlichkeits- und Immaterialgüterrecht
Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Table of Contents -- Body -- Vorwort -- Kapitel 1. Einleitung -- A. Der Begriff der Benutzung -- B. Prüfungsmaßstab -- C. Methodisches Vorgehen -- I. Fallgruppen im Markenrecht -- II. Eigener Ansatz -- D. Bedeutung der früheren (nationalen) Rechtslage -- Kapitel 2. Der Benutzungsbegriff des europäischen Markenrechts -- A. Der Richtlinientext -- I. Entwicklung der Verletzungstatbestände -- II. Einheitliche Auslegung des Benutzungsbegriffs -- III. Benutzung für Waren oder Dienstleistungen des Dritten -- IV. Änderungsvorschlag der Kommission -- V. Zwischenergebnis -- B. Die Erwägungsgründe -- I. Die Unterscheidung von Waren oder Dienstleistungen -- 1. Bedeutung der unterschiedlichen Formulierung -- 2. Bedeutung des Regelungszusammenhangs -- II. Der Zweck des Markenschutzes -- 1. Die Herkunftsfunktion -- 2. Die Unterscheidung von Waren oder Dienstleistungen -- 3. Schlussfolgerung -- III. Zwischenergebnis -- C. Die Markenfunktionen -- I. Begriffsbestimmung -- 1. Die warenzeichenmäßige Benutzung -- 2. Die markenmäßige Benutzung -- 3. Die funktionsbeeinträchtigende Benutzung -- 4. Die unterscheidende Benutzung -- II. Bedeutung der Markenfunktionen in der Rechtsprechung des EuGH -- 1. Der Benutzungsbegriff im Rahmen des Identitätsschutzes -- 2. Der Benutzungsbegriff im Rahmen des Verwechslungsschutzes -- 3. Der Benutzungsbegriff im Rahmen des Bekanntheitsschutzes -- 4. Zusammenfassung -- III. Bedeutung der Markenfunktionen in der Literatur -- 1. Markenmäßige Benutzung und alleiniger Schutz der Herkunftsfunktion -- 2. Unterscheidung zwischen den Verletzungstatbeständen -- 3. Unterscheidung zwischen horizontalen und vertikalen Benutzungen -- 4. Keine markenmäßige Benutzung und Schutz aller Funktionen -- 5. Bewertung -- IV. Zwischenergebnis -- D. Die Systematik -- I. Verhältnis zu Art. 3 MRL 2015.
"Colonial conquest and the subsequent introduction of diverse diseases has reshaped the destiny of communities around the globe for centuries. Drawing on untapped archival material on India, Africa, and Australia, these essays offer a counternarrative of events and establish important links between existing and emerging diseases in our global world"--
In: [Essai]
In: Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht
In: DGKSP-Diskussionspapiere 2023, Februar (Nr. 30)
In: McGraw Hill's business essentials
"As a manager, an essential and rewarding part of your job is to get the best from your employees-to help them overcome challenges, meet (and exceed) their goals, and maintain a high level of engagement and performance in today's new world of work. Like many other leadership skills, coaching is one you can hone and perfect with the right information and tools-and Coaching Essentials for Managers provides exactly that. At a time when leaders are collectively struggling to keep their heads above water and learning how to manage in a hybrid world, coaching is a deeply rewarding and meaningful experience that reconnects them to the purpose of their role. Filled with colored illustrations, self-assessments, real-world scenarios, Essential Takeaways, and practical exercises to reinforce learning, you will walk away feeling fully prepared to coach your employees and inspire them to do their best, most engaged work"--
"The Ecosystem Mindset takes a hard look at the emerging Ecosystem Economy, and what it means for companies once siloed by sector. It explores how and why we got here, beginning with the foundations of the sector-centered economy and bringing us up to today--the earliest chapter in the ecosystem economy's history. Readers will see that the truly successful companies are not the ones that have brought old-school best practices to bear on the new economy, but the companies that have thrown out those best practices altogether--the companies that have adopted entirely new mindsets and strategies for this entirely new game. The authors then explain why adopting a new playbook is so important. They show that ecosystems players stand to partake in more than $60 trillion of new value, and they will also show that this new economy ecosystem is here to stay. In fact, they explore how the ecosystem economy might continue to evolve, dissolving traditional industry barriers once and for all and giving way to an entirely new playing field where sector-system strategies will become entirely untenable. Finally, they introduce an ecosystem playbook--the philosophies and strategies that enterprises will need to adopt in order to survive and thrive in this future. As the barriers between industries come down, we are all going to need to reshape our thinking about competition, partnership, value, and process. This book engages the reader to consider a new playbook for doing business in a world of digital ecosystems"--
Introduction to research and evidence based practice -- How do you put together a good focused research question? -- How do you search for evidence to answer that question? -- When you've found some evidence how do you know if it's any good? -- Let's talk about the characteristics of a quantitative design -the randomised controlled trial (RCT) -- Some non-randomised quantitative designs -- quasi experiments, cohort studies and case-control studies -- What are effect measures for dichotomous data? -- What are effect measures for continuous data? -- How do you critically appraise quantitative evidence such as RCTs? -- Let's talk about the characteristics of some qualitative designs -phenomenology, ethnography and grounded theory -- How do you critically appraise qualitative evidence such as phenomenology? -- Why we need systematic reviews and initiatives like the Cochrane Library -- Clinical guidelines and implementation of EBP -- Your role in all of this?.
In: Schriften zur grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit Band 18
In: Wissenschaft
In: Quantitative applications in the social sciences vol. 191