Ordnungspolitik in der digitalen Welt
In: DICE Ordnungspolitische Perspektiven Nr 90
11005 Ergebnisse
In: DICE Ordnungspolitische Perspektiven Nr 90
In: Regards croisés
In: Société
In: Abhandlungen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse Jahrgang 2015, Nr. 4
In: Serie bussola 131/ 1
In: HyperKult 2
World Affairs Online
The current thesis presents research about new methods of citizen participation based on digital technologies. The focus on the research lies on decentralized methods of participation where citizens take the role of co-creators. The research project first conducted a review of the literature on citizen participation, its origins and the different paradigms that have emerged over the years. The literature review also looked at the influence of technologies on participation processes and the theoretical frameworks that have emerged to understand the introduction of technologies in the context of urban development. The literature review generated the conceptual basis for the further development of the thesis. The research begins with a survey of technology enabled participation applications that examined the roles and structures emerging due to the introduction of technology. The results showed that cities use technology mostly to control and monitor urban infrastructure and are rather reluctant to give citizens the role of co-creators. Based on these findings, three case studies were developed. Digital tools for citizen participation were conceived and introduced for each case study. The adoption and reaction of the citizens were observed using three data collection methods. The results of the case studies showed consistently that previous participation and engagement with informal citizen participation are a determinining factor in the potential adoption of digital tools for decentralized engagement. Based on these results, the case studies proposed methods and frameworks that can be used for the conception and introduction of technologies for decentralized citizen participation.
Efforts to induce customers to buy groceries through the Internet have existed for around twenty years. Early on, the market structures of the digital grocery trade were still strongly fragmented and poorly coordinated. Due to the technological advancement in the past decade, the digital purchase of groceries has become more attractive. The adoption rate of these services varies greatly between different regions. In Germany in particular, the digital grocery trade is stagnating at a comparatively low level. In this regard, this dissertation analyzes both the retail-side market structures and the expectations and obstacles of German consumers. The year 2020 connotes a turning point for the online grocery trade, as daily routines such as grocery shopping were subject to strict regulations imparted at a governmental level in order to reduce COVID-19 infections. At the same time, despite this opportunity, the digital grocery trade has not yet established itself nationwide in Germany. This can be attributed to a lack of investments, but also to inadequate digitization measures. A stronger synchronization between the digital and stationary offer, better integration of digital food services at a regional level as well as adapted, target group-appropriate digital solutions for the efficient breakdown of usage barriers will benefit service usage. The importance of stable food chains and distribution channels was illustrated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Further research should help to develop the digital food trade into a stable and sustainable supplementation of the stationary store. ; Seit etwa zwanzig Jahren existieren Bemühungen Kunden zum Kauf von Lebensmitteln im Internet zu bewegen. Dabei waren die Marktstrukturen des digitalen Lebensmittelhandels zu Beginn noch stark fragementiert und schlecht abgestimmt. Durch die technologische Weiterentwicklung in den vergangenen Dekade hat der digitale Lebensmittelkauf an Attraktivität gewonnen. Die Nutzungsadaption dieser Diensteleistungen variiert dabei jedoch sehr stark zwischen unterschiedlichen Regionen. Besonders in Deutschland stagniert der digitalen Lebensmittelhandel auf einem vergleichweise niedrigen Niveau. Diesbezüglich analysiert diese Dissertation sowohl die händlerseitigen Marktstrukturen, als auch die Erwartungen und Hindernisse deutscher Konsumenten gegenüber der Serviceleistung. Das Jahr 2020 konnotiert einen Wendepunkt für den Online Lebensmittelhandel, als, im Zuge politischer Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der COVID-19 Infektionen, tägliche Routinen wie der Lebensmitteleinkauf starken Regulierungen unterlagen. Gleichzeitig hat es der digitale Lebensmittelhandel trotz dieser Gelegenheit noch nicht geschafft sich flächendeckend in Deutschland zu etablieren. Dies kann auf fehlende Investments, aber auch unzulängliche Digitalisierungsmaßnahmen zurückgeführt werden. Eine stärkere Synchronisierung zwischen digitalem und stationärem Angebot, bessere Integration digitaler Lebensmitteldienste auf regionaler Ebene sowie angepasste, zielgruppenadäquate digitale Lösungen zum effizienten Abbau von Nutzungsbarrieren. Die Wichtigkeit stabiler Lebensmittelketten und –verteilung konnte durch die COVID-19 Pandemie illustriert werden. Weitere Forschung sollte helfen den digitalen Lebensmittelhandel zu einer nachhaltigen und stabilen Supplementierung des stationären Angebots zu entwickeln.