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Article(electronic)#16May 3, 2022


In: Srpska politička misao: Serbian political thought, Volume 75, Issue 1/2022, p. 291-296

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Article(electronic)#17March 1, 2019

Gender Identities in Women's and Feminist Periodicals in Serbia

In: Aspasia: international yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European women's and gender history, Volume 13, Issue 1, p. 175-181

ISSN: 1933-2890

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Open Access#182015

Influence of the socialist ideology on the conception of multi-family housing: New urban landscape and the typological models of housing units ; Uticaj socijalističke ideologije na koncepciju višeporodičnog stanovanja - novi urbani pejzaž i tipološki modeli stambenih jedinica


Open Access#192021

Introduction, Decline, and Fall of Socio-Economic Provisions in Yugoslavia's Constitutions (1921–1931)



Contagious diseases in the Belgrade region

In: Stanovništvo: Population = Naselenie, Volume 36, Issue 1-2, p. 125-143

ISSN: 2217-3986

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Open Access#212014

Competitiveness evaluation of tourist destinations on the example of key resources of the cities in Serbia ; Ocena konkurentnosti turističkih destinacija na primeru ključnih resursa gradova u Srbiji



Краснодарска покрајина и Република Србија: могућности и перспективе сарадње (Krasnodar Krai and Republic of Serbia: Possibilities and Perspectives of Cooperation)

In: IV simpozijum Ekološko-duhovne vrednosti u multietničkom prostoru Srbije, zapadnog Balkana, Evrope i sveta, ed. Slobodan Nešković, Novi Pazar, 8–10 septembar 2016, Centar za strateška istraživanja nacionalne bezbednosti, Beograd – Novi Pazar, 2016, стр. 171–194.

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Open Access#232007

Establishing the system of public communal utility on the river Danube and the river Sava on the territory of Belgrade ; Uspostavljanje sistema gradske čistoće na Dunavu i Savi na području grada Beograda


Open Access#242015

The growth and development of Belgrade in the period from 1815 to 1910 ; Rast i razvoj Beograda u periodu od 1815. do 1910. godine


Open Access#252006

Okrugli stol: "Mreža naselja u umreženom društvu: društvene i prostorne promjene u nekim tranzicijskim zemljama": Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2. lipnja 2006