
67 Ergebnisse



Gender Education in Social Work: How It Might Be Enhanced in Ukraine?

In: Yaroshenko, A, & Semigina, T. (2023). Gender education in social work: how it might be enhanced in Ukraine? In: Tsilisnyy pidkhid u psykholohiyi ta sotsialʹniy roboti: teoriya ta praktyka. Materialy Vseukrayinsʹkoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi (p. 182-184). Kropyvnytsʹkyy: TSDU.

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Piloting a Strengths-Based Intervention to Enhance the Quality of Life of Families Raising Children With Autism

In: Stoliaryk O. and Semigina T. (2022) "Piloting a Strengths-Based Intervention to Enhance the Quality of Life of Families Raising Children With Autism", Social Welfare: Interdisciplinary Approach, 12, pp. 36-55. doi: 10.15388/SW.2022.12.13.

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The Third Mission of Universities: Enhancing Societal Impact Through Professional Qualifications

In: Semigina, T. & Balanyuk, Y. (2023). The third mission of universities: enhancing societal impact through professional qualifications. In: The driving force of science and trends in its development: collection of scientific papers «SCIENTIA» with Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and The

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The role of emerging it-technologies in elective selection: ai, blockchain, and beyond

In: Semigina, T. & Novak, A. (2023). The role of emerging IT-technologies in elective selection: AI, blockchain, and beyond. Moderní aspekty vědy: XXXVI. Díl mezinárodní kolektivní monografie (pp. 299-310). Česká republika: Mezinárodní Ekonomický Institut.

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Ukraine's Qualification Centers Takeoff Within the Eurointegration Context

In: Semigina, T. & Balanyuk, Y. (2023). Ukraine's qualification centers takeoff within the Eurointegration context. In: The process and dynamics of the scientific path: Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Theoretical Conference (pp. 34-36). Athens: European Scientific Platform. https://bi

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Мікрокваліфікації як засіб розвитку професійної кар'єри випускників закладів освіти [Micro-Credentials as a Prerequisite for the Professional Career Development of Educational Institutions Graduates]

In: Rashkevich, Y. & Semigina, T. (2023). Mikrokvalifikatsiyi yak zasib rozvytku profesiynoyi karʺyery vypusknykiv zakladiv osvity [Micro-credentials as a prerequisite for the professional career development of educational institutions graduates]. Innovative professional education, 2(9), 392-396 (in Ukr

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Training Program for the Formation of Gender Competence of Social Workers

In: Yaroshenko, A, & Semigina, T. (2023). Training program for the formation of gender competence of social workers. In: Shpak, V. ed. Science and society: trends of interaction (p. 165-170). Sherman Oaks, California : GS Publishing Services.

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Використання підходу, орієнтованого на сильні сторони, у роботі з вимушеними переселенцями [Using a Strengths-Based Approach in Working with Internally Displaced Persons]

In: Stolaryk, O. & Semigina, T. (2023). Using a strengths-based approach in working with internally displaced persons. Holistic approach in psychology and social work: theory and practice. Materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference. Kropyvnytskyi: TSU. P. 194-198. DOI: 10.6084/m9

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Self-organization of Communities in the Conditions of Natural and Human-Made Disasters: Lessons for Ukrainian Social Work (Самоорганізація громад в умовах природних та штучних катастроф: уроки для української соціальної роботи)

In: Semigina T. & Palatna D. (2023). Self-organization of communities in conditions of natural and man-made disasters: lessons for Ukrainian social work. In: Social work in the community: modern challenges and development prospects: All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference.

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Лінія розмежування: перейти чи залишитися (Інтеграція ветеранського досвіду у соціальну роботу в Україні) (The Dividing Line: to Move or to Stay (Integration of Veteran Experience Into Social Work in Ukraine))

In: Stoliaryk, O. & Semigina, T. (2023). The dividing line: to move or to stay (Integration of veteran experience in social work in Ukraine). The theory of modernization in the context of modern world science: Mat. I International of science conf. (c. 86-88)

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Кола пекла чи кола підтримки? (Застосування концепції «людина в оточенні» у практиці соціальної роботи) [Circles of Hell or Circles of Support? (Using the «Person-in-Environment» Concept in Social Work Practice)]

In: Semigina, T., Stolaryk, O. (2023). Circles of Hell or Circles of Support? (Application of the concept of 'person in the environment' in the practice of social work). Social Work and Education, 10 (2), 178-194. DOI: 10.25128/2520-6230.23.2.3 [in Ukrainian]

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Політика щодо професійних кваліфікацій як інструмент європейської інтеграції [The Policy on Professional Qualifications as a Tool for European Integration]

In: Semigina, N. & Balanyuk, Y. (2023). POLITYKA SHCHODO PROFESIYNYKH KVALIFIKATSIY YAK INSTRUMENT YEVROPEYSʹKOYI INTEHRATSIYI Scientific method: reality and future trends of researching: collection of scientific papers «SCIENTIA» with Proceedings of the IІ International Scientific and Theoretical Confe

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