
56966 Ergebnisse


Open Access#548262021

Étude d'innovation sur les paramètres de la formation des parents et l'accessibilité des parents: Rapport final


Open Access#548272021

PTSD and IPV: Pre- and Post- 9/11 War Veterans' Risks for Perpetrating Violence


Open Access#548282021

Guidelines for Studying Diverse Types of Compound Weather and Climate Events


Open Access#548292021

Influence of borrowings on changing the structure of the french language in modern speech ; Вплив запозичень на зміну структури французької мови у сучасному мовленні


Open Access#548302021

Considerações sobre o treinamento baseado em competências e a abordagem One Health ; Considerations on competency-based training and the One Health approach ; Consideraciones sobre la formación basada en competencias y el enfoque Una Salud


Open Access#548312021

La cultura como estrategia de regeneración urbana en Monterrey, México


Open Access#548322021

Hot-wall MOCVD of N-polar group-III nitride materials


Open Access#548332021

The Materiality of Metaphor in Mayan Hieroglyphic Texts: Metaphor in Changing Political Climates


Open Access#548342021

Pushou temple 普寿寺 and the "Three-Plus-One" project. Nuns and the production of contemporary Buddhism in mainland China ; Le temple Pushou 普寿寺 et le projet "Trois-Plus-Un". Nonnes et modes de production du bouddhisme contemporain en Chine continentale


Open Access#548352021

Reading the world through the educational curriculum : The Social Sciences curriculum in Brazil in the context of the rise of conservatism


Open Access#548362021

Administrative regulation of food ; La regulación administrativa de la cuestión alimentaria ; La réglementation administrative de la question alimentaire ; Regulação administrativa da questão alimentar


Open Access#548372021

Enjeux et défis de la mise en oeuvre des Unités Forestières Artisanales dans le Maï-Ndombe en République Démocratique du Congo


Open Access#548382021

Metaphor studies as a bridge between linguistics and political science: theoretical implications and methodological challenges


Open Access#548392021

Manuel Belgrano en el contexto del reformismo borbónico rioplatense. Nociones conceptuales para pensar el "futuro" antes del inicio del período revolucionario


Open Access#548402021

Nationaler Bericht zur Situation der Jugend in Luxemburg 2020: Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit von Jugendlichen in Luxemburg ; Rapport National sur la Situation de la Jeunesse au Luxembourg 2020: Le Bien-Être et la Santé des Jeunes au Luxembourg