
212556 Ergebnisse


Open Access#462020

Financial education for women: a study in the Lopez de Mesa de Medellín district ; Educación financiera en mujeres: un estudio en el barrio López de Mesa de Medellín


Open Access#472020

Domestic work and regulation in Latin America. A comparative study ; El trabajo del hogar y su regulación en américa latina. Un estudio comparado


Open Access#482020

Stability and longevity in the publication careers of U.S. doctorate recipients


Open Access#492020

Principles, fundamentals, and applications of programmable integrated photonics


Open Access#502018

Practical Design of a WSN to Monitor the Crop and its Irrigation System


Open Access#512018

The development of scalable business models and their impact in the economic and social environment ; El desarrollo de modelos de negocio escalables y su repercusión en el entorno económico y social


Open Access#522018

More deliberative referendums? The strengths of the justified vote ; Des référendums plus délibératifs ? Les atouts du vote justifié


Open Access#532018

Toward chemical communication between nanodevices


Open Access#542017

Mapping — Europees sociaal Handvest, social rechten en grondrechten op de werkvloer — European Social Charter, Social Rights and Fundamental Rights at Work ; Recension - Europees sociaal Handvest, sociale rechten en grondrechten op de werkvloer – Charte sociale européenne, droits sociaux et droits f...


Open Access#552016

Characterization of wildland-urban interfaces using LiDAR data to estimate the risk of wildfire damage ; Caracterización del interfaz forestal/urbano empleando LiDAR como herramienta para la estimación del riesgo de daños por incendios forestales


Open Access#562014

Archaeological desk and drilling research for caravan sites Gierzwalje and Valtherlaan in Emmen, municipality of Emmen (DR) ; Archeologisch bureau- en booronderzoek woonwagenlocaties Gierzwaluw en Valtherlaan te Emmen, gemeente Emmen (DR)


Open Access#572014

Serious consequences for human rights and international humanitarian law (IHL) in the conflict in Syria ; Graves consecuencias para los Derechos Humanos y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario (DIH) en el conflicto de Siria


Open Access#582011

The REACH Regulation, a European policy of uncertainty ; Le règlement REACH, une politique européenne de l'incertain


Open Access#592011

Innovation Types and Talent Management for Innovation


Open Access#602009

Are Cities Illiberal? Municipal Jurisdictions and the Scope of Liberal Neutrality