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World Affairs Online
Transforming and Interpreting the Kasbah: The Negotiation of Centrality in Tunis
In: Historical social research: HSR-Retrospective (HSR-Retro) = Historische Sozialforschung, Band 47, Heft 2, S. 255-274
ISSN: 2366-6846
The kasbah has been considered the main place of power in Tunis since the Middle Ages. Its urban structure was stabilised during the Ottoman era. Since then, the governmental functions of the kasbah have always been confirmed: many ministerial functions are carried out in the buildings around its central square, located at the top of the old city of Tunis. This space is perceived as morphologically separate from the medina and functionally dedicated to issues related to the central sphere. This contrasts with the space of the medina, which was historically regulated by the local civic sphere. In spite of this apparent opposition of functions, the purpose of this study is to reflect on the nature of the kasbah as a public place, as a monumental and architectural expression of a negotiated form of power and centrality, and finally, yet importantly, as an urban district participating in ordering the medina. It is where local urban functions such as markets and mosques were located. It structured the civic dimension embodied by the Beldis, a group of urban notables entrusted with most responsibilities in local institutions as professions (guilds, markets, trade), confessional communities, neighbourhoods, and the city as a whole. In contrast with interpretations based on a dichotomic vision of urban morphologies and functions, the aim here is to highlight the intertwining of spaces and the importance of connections between political and commercial centralities in everyday practices, an angle of interpretation that invites nuance into discussions on the nature of centrality.
La bible dans la cite: vision politique et consentement du peuple chez Jean de Paris
Focused on the analysis of the Treaty De potestate regia et papali by John of Paris, this study is an attempt to seize the political vision of this French Dominican, who lived from the second half of the 13th century to the beginning of the 14th century, within the theological context shaped by the controversy between Philip IV of France and Boniface VIII. The method adopted in this article supposes, on one hand, the investigation of the political thought of John of Paris, taking as a starting point the relations between the Papacy and the royal power; and, on the other hand, the definition of the role attributed by the former to the popular masses and to the notion of political consent. Whether it is the consent regarding taxation, the popular support accorded to the royal power, or the opinion of the College of Cardinals concerning the deposition of a Pope, we notice that, according to the French Dominican, the actions that trigger the public good must be approved by the community. Since the focal point of our study is the treatise De potestate regia et papali, we have chosen to invoke oftentimes the biblical references used by John of Paris, in order to observe the hermeneutical differences present in the writings of Giles of Rome and Henry of Cremona, authors who, even though they interpret the same texts, would eventually reach the contrary conclusions.
La bible dans la cite: vision politique et consentement du peuple chez Jean de Paris
In: Studia politica: Romanian political science review ; revista română de ştiinţă politică, Band 6, Heft 3, S. 535-562
Focused on the analysis of the Treaty De potestate regia et papali by John of Paris, this study is an attempt to seize the political vision of this French Dominican, who lived from the second half of the 13th century to the beginning of the 14th century, within the theological context shaped by the controversy between Philip IV of France and Boniface VIII. The method adopted in this article supposes, on one hand, the investigation of the political thought of John of Paris, taking as a starting point the relations between the Papacy and the royal power; and, on the other hand, the definition of the role attributed by the former to the popular masses and to the notion of political consent. Whether it is the consent regarding taxation, the popular support accorded to the royal power, or the opinion of the College of Cardinals concerning the deposition of a Pope, we notice that, according to the French Dominican, the actions that trigger the public good must be approved by the community. Since the focal point of our study is the treatise De potestate regia et papali, we have chosen to invoke oftentimes the biblical references used by John of Paris, in order to observe the hermeneutical differences present in the writings of Giles of Rome and Henry of Cremona, authors who, even though they interpret the same texts, would eventually reach the contrary conclusions.
Human Security in the Renaissance? Securitas, Infrastructure, Collective Goods and Natural Hazards in Tuscany and the Upper Rhine Valley ; Human Security in der Renaissance? Securitas, Infrastruktur, Gemeinschaftsgüter und Naturgefahren in der Toskana und im Oberrheintal
This article investigates the character of collective perceptions of security in the Renaissance. In addition to the findings of conceptual history, an illustration will be used. Besides the concern for salvation and protection from violence and injustice, public welfare was the task of a good government in material terms as well (provision of food, infrastructure). It also comprised the prevention of natural hazards. Legitimation strategies of those who governed and the needs of those who were governed had - according to the region - an impact on the development of specific ways of dealing with natural hazards. 'Human security' thus played a part in state-building processes.
The new middle ages
In: Foreign affairs, Band 85, Heft 3, S. 95-103
ISSN: 0015-7120
World Affairs Online
Terrorism and the state
In: Discussion Papers / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Forschungsschwerpunkt Markt und politische Ökonomie, Band 02-15
"This paper considers terrorism as an extortion activity. It uses tools from the theory of extortion and from conflict theory to describe how terrorism works, why terrorism is a persistent phenomenon, why terrorism is a violent phenomenon, and how retaliation affects the outcome. The analysis highlights the importance of information aspects and discusses some aspects of the organizational design." (author's abstract)
Das Findebuch zum mittelhochdeutschen Wortschatz: Probleme der Kompilation von Ausgabenglossaren zu einem Gesamtglossar
In: Historical social research: HSR-Retrospective (HSR-Retro) = Historische Sozialforschung, Band 18, Heft 3, S. 125-130
ISSN: 2366-6846
Sozioökonomische Untersuchungen in süddeutschen Städten des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts: Programmabläufe - Erfahrungen - Ergebnisse
In: Quantitative Methoden in der Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Vorneuzeit, S. 24-42
Die Verfasserin präsentiert zunächst anhand eines kurz kommentierten Flußdiagramms den "Programmdurchlauf 'Soziale Schichtung und Prosopographie'". In einem zweiten Teil werden Ergebnisse vorgelegt, die die Auswertung der Steuerbücher der Stadt Kitzingen hinsichtlich der "ökonomischen Spitzengruppe Kitzinger Bürger" erbracht hat (Vermögensarten, Besitzstandsveränderungen, soziale Stellung und Mobilität). (WZ)
C.H. Beck, Harvard UP Geschichte der Welt, 600-1350: geteilte Welten
DER LANG ERWARTETE LETZTE BAND Zwischen 600 und 1350 bot die Erde noch so viel Platz, dass Individuen, Gruppen und ganze Gesellschaften isoliert voneinander existieren konnten. Australien und Ozeanien standen noch gar nicht, der amerikanische Doppelkontinent kaum wahrnehmbar mit Entwicklungen in Europa, Afrika und Asien in Verbindung. Doch wurden in dieser Periode immer mehr Menschen in Netzwerke eingebunden, die Objekte, Praktiken und Ideen über Tausende von Kilometern verbreiteten und dabei Einfluss nahmen auf Entstehung und Zerfall von Herrschaftsräumen. Sie befeuerten in dieser Epoche der Geschichte der Welt eine Dynamik, welche die Isolation einander noch fremder Gesellschaften an ein Ende brachte. Weltgeschichte ist lange Zeit als eine Geschichte des Aufstiegs und des Niedergangs einer kleinen Zahl von geschrieben worden. Unter diesen Kulturen schienen Europa oder der atlantische während der letzten Jahrhunderte nach den Kriterien Macht, Wohlstand und kulturelle Kreativität zu dominieren. Das neue sechsbändige Werk zur Weltgeschichte, das von einem Team von Historikerinnen und Historikern vorwiegend aus den USA und Deutschland erarbeitet wird und das gleichzeitig bei C.H.Beck und Harvar University Press erscheint, verabschiedet sich von diesen Traditionen. Es leugnet die Errungenschaften des Westens nicht, stellt sie aber in den größeren Zusammenhang gleichzeitiger Entwicklungen in anderen Teilen der Welt. Dadurch wird das allmähliche, dabei aber krisenhafte Entstehen des heutigen dicht integrierten und pluralistischen Weltzuammenhangs sichtbar. Erstmals werden in diesen Bänden die Ergebnisse von mehreren Jahrhunderten internationaler Forschung zur Vorgeschichte der Globalisierung und zur Entwicklung von Gesellschaften und politischen Ordnungen auf allen Kontinenten von führenden Experten zusammenfassend dargestellt. Weltgeschichte erscheint hier nicht als Aneinanderreihung einzelner Spezialgeschichten. Die Aufmerksamkeit richtet sich auf bisher wenig beachtete Querbeziehungen und Wechselwirkungen: auf Migration von Einzelnen und Gruppen und die Gründung neuer Gesellschaften, auf die interkontinentale Ausbreitung von Technologien, Religionen oder politischen Ideen, auf globale Kommunikationsnetze, Handelsströme und Konsummuster, auf Imperialismus, Kolonialismus und großräumige Kriege. Der Abschluss der "Geschichte der Welt" in 6 Bänden, herausgegeben von Akira Iriye und Jürgen Osterhammel Ein zeitgemäßer Blick auf die Weltgeschichte Mit Beiträgen von Christopher S. Beekman, Michael Borgolte, Daniel G. König, François-Xavier Fauvelle, Justin Jennings, Michael D. Mathiowetz, Naomi Standen und André Wink
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online