Alter-Politics: Critical anthropology and the radical imagination
Intro -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Part I -- 1. The globalisation of the late colonial settler condition -- 2. On stuckedness: The critique of crisis and the crisis of critique -- Part II -- 3. Critical anthropological thought and the radical political imaginary today -- 4. The Arab social sciences and the two critical traditions -- Part III -- 5. On ethnography and political emotions: Hating Israel in the field -- 6. Alter-political rationality and anti-political emotions: The case of Fanon -- Part IV -- 7. On narcissistic victimhood -- Appendix to chapter 7: I don't write poems but, in any case, poems are not poems. -- 8. The unoccupied -- 9. Recalling anti-racism: Towards a critical anthropology of exterminability -- Appendix to chapter 9: Against colonial rubbishing -- 10. Dwelling in the reality of utopian thought -- 11. Other belongings -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index.