School segregation redux: desegregation orders being abolished
In: Z magazine: a political monthly, Band 16, Heft 3, S. 48-50
ISSN: 1056-5507
213361 Ergebnisse
In: Z magazine: a political monthly, Band 16, Heft 3, S. 48-50
ISSN: 1056-5507
In: Dissent: a journal devoted to radical ideas and the values of socialism and democracy, S. 43-49
ISSN: 0012-3846
Presents arguments of defenders of growing tendency for parents to provide funding to public schools which their children attend and examines impact on intraschool and interschool equity; US. The 1997 attempt by parents at Public School 41, in New York City's Greenwich Village, to organize and pay the salary of a fourth grade teacher who would have been dismissed because the number of students attending the school did not warrant her retention.
In: Social science quarterly, Band 55, Heft 2, S. 478-492
ISSN: 0038-4941
When is conflict functional to a change agent attempting to change the status quo & not having a large amount of resources? Data are based on the de facto school desegregation issue in northern cities. 91 sample cities are chosen from the National Opinion Research Center's Permanent Community Sample; proportional to population, including all cities of over 150,000 persons. A series of 18 interviews with selected informants from the National Opinion Research Center was conducted & a self-administered questionnaire was completed by the Education Reporter of the major newspaper in each city. Findings include: (1) conflict-increasing tactics seem to have been necessary to make school desegregation an issue, (2) conflict within the school board facilitates desegregation, (3) civil rights demonstrations generally did not facilitate desegregation, & (4) white grass-roots activity is ineffective. 5 hypotheses are based on the findings: (A) a nonissue can be made salient by a powerless group with conflict-raising tactics, (B) the presence of a tradition of conflict is a facilitator of change, (C) grass roots activity without the support of some elites is often ignored by other elites, (D) conflict is generally dysfunctional if a decision for change must be made by an informal decision rule based on consensus politics, & (5) conflict-increasing tactics are less likely to be self-defeating, & may be helpful in a group with compulsory attendance & a decision-making rule requiring less than unanimity. 4 Tables, 1 Figure. B. Miller.
In: Sociology compass, Band 15, Heft 12
ISSN: 1751-9020
AbstractIn this paper we examine schooling inequalities through drawing from the contributions of racialized organizations. We apply the components of this racial theory to offer a new framework for examining racial inequalities in US K‐12 schools. We analyze case studies to demonstrate how the four tenants of racialized organizations operate in three schools. In particular, we highlight how these tenants surface through schools' policies (school rules around discipline, language, and tracking) and practices (interactions between students, teachers and staff). We offer a framework for understanding how schools are shaped by the racial hierarchy at the organizational level. We close by considering implications and suggestions for future research.
In: Urban studies, Band 54, Heft 7, S. 1578-1600
ISSN: 1360-063X
This study broadens understanding of how children's travel modes influence the development of their spatial cognition, specifically the development of their spatial representation of home–school routes. Data were collected using a questionnaire survey and a cognitive mapping process at an elementary school in northern Taiwan. The sample, which comprised 521 Grades 1–6 children aged 7–12 years, was analysed through linear regressions. Empirical results indicate that the use of independent, active or non-motorised transportation modes improved the children's spatial cognition regarding their home–school routes. This study not only provides new knowledge about the relationships between travel modes and the spatial cognition of children, but also identifies policy directions in relation to school transportation and the development of spatial cognition in children.
In: American annals of the deaf: AAD, Band 126, Heft 2, S. 113-117
ISSN: 1543-0375
This is the first of a two part report on the results of a survey of schools for the deaf in the United States on otologic health care. The report details the awareness and diagnostic elements of middle ear disease in the school-aged deaf child. The survey indicated, among several other factors, that a greater number of deaf children with an overlaid middle ear pathology are being identified and treated due primarily to two factors: increased awareness on the part of the schools' staffs and the use of impedance audiometry as a screening tool. However, the frequency of otologic screening in schools for the deaf, and the reported use of otolaryngologists in the admission and reevaluation processes, are still quite low.
Promoting patriotism and its education has always been at the fore front for Uganda's governance, from the time when the current ruling party had come into power in the late 1980's, HE Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has always preached the issue of patriotism education. Uganda as a new democratic country is faced with many challenges among which include implementing the new ideas and policies that its leaders come up with. For instance, even though the government white paper clearly stipulates that patriotism has to be taught at either primary or secondary school level, the issue of whether this policy is implemented in schools begs a lot to question. In addition, despite the suggested funds for the issues of patriotism education a lot of it is redirected for other societal needs and thus undermining the importance of patriotism education. This research has analyzed the issue of patriotic education, its implementation or otherwise as a policy in Uganda's education system. Various theories and conceptual frameworks such as moderate patriotism theory and social cultural concept respectively have been brought in to perspective in the study. The research is a literature review research and the dominant methodology has been archival and library research coupled with the researcher's observations of the day to day happenings in the country. The research also gives an insight into the challenges that patriotism education is faced with, the lack of implementation of many government policies with regards to policies and the limited role that governments representatives have played in combating these challenges. ; ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL………………………………….……….….i YAYIMLAMA VE FİKRİ MÜLKİYET HAKLARI BEYANI……….…ii ETİK BEYAN………………….…………………………………………………iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.……………………………………….….iv ABSTRACT .…………….………………………………………….…….v TABLE OF CONTENTS….……………………………………………….vi ABBREVIATIONS ……. …………………………………….……….vii INTRODUCTION.1 CHAPTER ONE 1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY.3 1.1 THE RESEARCH PROBLEM………………………….……….….6 1.2 THE MAIN OBJECTIVE.7 1.3 BASIC CONCEPTS AND LITERATURE REVEW.7 1.4 THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY……………….…….…….12 1.5 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY.15 1.6 ETHCAL CONSIDERATION.16 CHAPTER TWO CONCEPTUAL AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF THE STUDY 2. INTRODUCTION.17 2.1 PSYCHOLOGICAL SCHOOL OF THOUGHT.18 2.2 CULTURAL- SOCIAL SCHOOL OF THOUGHT.20 2.3 THEORIES OF PATRIOTISM.22 2.3.1 Normative issues.24 2.3.2 Extreme Patriotism.26 2.3.3 Robust Patriotism.26 2.3.4 Moderate Patriotism.28 2.3.5 Deflated Patriotism.29 CHAPTER THREE PATRIOTISM IN THE UGANDA'S EDUCATION SYSTEM 3. INTRODUCTION.31 3.1 UGANDA'S POLITICAL, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL HISTORY.31 3.2 EDUCATİON SYSTEM İN UGANDA…………….….….33 3.3 PATRIOTISM EDUCATION IN PRIMARY SCHOOL……….37 3.4 PATRIOTISM IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS EDUCATION….….37 ix 3.5 STATE RUN AND PRİVATELY-OWNED SCHOOLS.….….39 3.6 PATRIOTISM IN UGANDA'S EDUCATION CURRICULUM.40 3.7 COURSE MATERİALS İN UGANDA EDUCATİON SYSTE.45 CHAPTER FOUR IMPLICATION OF PATRIOTISM EDUCATION ON POLITICAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 4. INTRODUCTION .……………….…….….……48 4.1 PATRIOTISM IN UGANDA……….……………….….…….48 4.2 ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN PROMOTING PATRIOTISM EDUCATION………………………………………………………………….57 4.3 IMPACT OF PATRIOTISM ON EDUCATION…….….….….64 CONCLUSIONS .66 RECOMMENDATIONS………………………………………………………….68 BIBLIOGRAPHY……….………….……………….……….….72 APPENDIX I. ETHICS COMMISSION FORM …………….77 APPENDIX 2. ORIGINALITY FORM……………………….79 APPENDIX 3. OPPOSSING THE PRESIDENTIAL AGE LIMIT IN UGANDA.81 APPENDIX 4. THE UGANDA NATIONAL ANTHEM.84 APPENDIX 5. THE UGANDAN NATIONAL FLAG MEANING.85 APPENDIX 6. THE UGANDA COAT OF ARMS AND ITS MEANING.86 ; Uganda'nın yönetişimi açısından, halihazırda iktidarda olan partinin 1980'lerin sonunda iktidara geldiği zamandan beri vatanseverlik ve vatanseverliğin öğretilmesinin teşviki daima öncelikli olmuştur. Devlet Başkanı HE Yoweri Kaguta Museveni konuşmalarında daima vatanseverlik eğitimi konusunu ele almıştır. Yeni demokrasiye kavuşmuş bir ülke olarak Uganda, liderlerinin ortaya koyduğu yeni görüş ve politikaları uygulamak da dahil olmak üzere pek çok güçlükle karşı karşıya gelmektedir. Örneğin, her ne kadar yönetimin vatanseverliğin ilk ya da orta öğretim seviyesinde öğretilmesi gerektiğine dair öngörüleri açık olsa da bu politikaların okul çantalarına uygulanıp uygulanmayacağı konusu sorgulanmaya açıktır. Ayrıca, vatanseverlik eğitimi için ayrılan kaynakların pek çoğu başka sosyal ihtiyaçlara yönlendirilmekte ve vatanseverlik eğitiminin önemi dikkate alınmamaktadır. Bu çalışma vatanseverlik eğitimi konusunu, uygulamasını, uygulama olmaması durumunda da Uganda'nın eğitim sistemi politikasını analiz etmektedir. Ilımlı vatanseverlik teorisi ve sosyal kültürel kavram gibi çeşitli teoriler ve kavramsal çerçeveler çalışmaya perspektif katmıştır. Çalışma literatür tarama araştırmasıdır ve ağırlıklı olarak arşiv ve kütüphane araştırmaları ile araştırmacının ülkedeki güncel olaylardaki gözlemleri de kapsanmaktadır. Çalışma aynı zamanda, birçok devlet politikasının uygulanmaması nedeniyle, vatanseverlik eğitiminin karşılaştığı zorluklar hakkında da fikir vermektedir.
In: Social Sciences: open access journal, Band 13, Heft 6, S. 285
ISSN: 2076-0760
School dropout is a pressing social problem that stems from systemic inadequacies in the education system and socio-economic background. The aim of this study was to analyze how the travel time and financial difficulties impact school dropout in satellite towns near Bucharest, the capital of Romania. Data on dropout rates in recent years were provided by the Ilfov County General School Inspectorate and were supplemented by 30 semi-structured interviews with the parents, caregivers, or the legal representatives of students who have dropped out of school or are at risk of dropping out. The study's findings reveal significant correlations between the travel time to school, familial financial situation, and attitudes towards education, impacting dropout rates across various satellite towns. Addressing the challenge of school dropout promises societal improvement and empowers policymakers to enact more inclusive policies benefiting all members of society.
INTRODUCTION: Soil-transmitted helminth infections and malnutrition are major health problems of school-age children in developing countries. Malnutrition and soil-transmitted helminth infections often co-exist with synergetic consequences. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and intensity of soil-transmitted helminths and its association with nutritional status of school-age children. METHODS: School-based cross-sectional study was carried out from April to May 2014 among 404 elementary school-age children in Jimma Town, Southwest Ethiopia. Data on background characteristics were collected using structured interviewer administered questionnaire. Anthropometric measurements were taken according to World Health Organization standard. Fresh single stool sample was collected from each study participant and examined using direct wet mount and McMaster techniques. Anthropometric indices were generated using WHO AnthroPlus software. Multivariable logistic regression models were fitted to isolate independent predictors of intestinal parasitic infection and nutritional status using STATA-MP software. All tests were two-sided and P < 0.05 was used to declare statistical significance. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites and soil-transmitted helminths were 68.6% (n = 277) and 55.0% (n = 222), respectively. A total of eight species of intestinal parasites were identified in this study, Trichuris trichiura being the most common parasite identified followed by Ascaris lumbricoides. Study participants who had a habit of open defecation were two times more likely to be infected with soil-transmitted helminths (adjusted odds ratio = 1.9, 95% confidence interval: 1.0–3.4). The overall prevalence of stunting and thinness were 21.0% (n = 85) and 6.9% (n = 28), respectively. The odds of stunting was significantly high (adjusted odds ratio = 4.0, 95% confidence interval: 1.7–9.7) among children who had fathers working as daily labourers and children with personal dietary diversity ...
In: Journalism quarterly, Band 39, Heft 2, S. 223-226
A survey of 44 schools shows that 27 have no student rating system other than formal grades, 9 use informal comments by faculty and 8 have rating systems using detailed, structured forms. The author, who examines these procedures, is a journalism professor at Oklahoma State University, where he also is associated with the OSU Research Foundation.
In: Multimodality & society, Band 3, Heft 4, S. 336-365
ISSN: 2634-9809
This paper aims to introduce educational history to multimodal studies by combining a source-oriented approach with multimodal social semiotics. We trace the role of objects and collections in teaching and learning, and focus on Strängnäs Secondary Grammar School in Sweden 1830-1960 as a case example. Closely examining original documents, remaining physical objects, and examples of their situated use as represented in photographs and drawings, the paper provides a nuanced perspective on how object-based pedagogy was applied. It traces how objects and artefacts were incorporated into the school's collections, by the actions of different actors, in processes of recontextualisation and framing. The activity types that we use as examples, include: drawing lessons in art, weapons practice in physical education, plant collecting in botany, and map exercises in history. These examples show how objects and their meaning potential were used in teaching and learning, and how they realized certain discourses of schooling. Based on our examples, we can see how educational discourses such as progressivism came to have different impact in different subjects. While an authoritarian and national discourse prevailed in art and physical education, a scientific and progressive discourse seem to have been established in botany and history. By combining multimodality with historical research, we can understand meaning-making within a larger context of sociocultural practices and sociopolitical forces.
In: Education and urban society, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 208-218
ISSN: 1552-3535
We can successfully teach all children if we seriously consider the applications of relevant knowledge in connection with effective schooling and school improvement procedures. In this regard, we have access to more knowledge than we use.
Bidal Aguero was born on July 23, 1949, and attended Texas Technological College (later Texas Tech University) in the fall of 1967. While there, he became active a Mexican American student organization called Los Tertullianos, becoming vice-president in 1970 and president in 1971. Los Tertullianos organized gatherings and seminars to encourage Mexican American students to be more politically active. Aguero graduated from Texas Tech in December 1972 with a B.A. in music education and after working for Learn-Education Talent Search for seven months, he helped found COMA (Commerciantes Organizacion Mexicano Americano), the Mexican-American Chamber of Commerce, in 1972. ; He joined La Raza Unida Party, ran for local offices such as county commissioner, and participated in organizing protests for injustices done against Mexican Americans. Aguero was one of those who filed a lawsuit against the Lubbock Independent School District to change its method of electing school trustees. Aguero has worked in several local social service organizations such as Defensa, Inc., Chicanos Unidos-Campensions, and Llano Estacado Farmworkers of Tejas and government groups such as the South Plains Association of Governments, the State of Texas, and the City of Lubbock. Aguero is currently publisher of one of the two weekly Spanish newspapers in Lubbock, El Editor. ; Aguero has worked in several local social service organizations such as Defensa, Inc., Chicanos Unidos-Campensions, and Llano Estacado Farmworkers of Tejas and government groups such as the South Plains Association of Governments, the State of Texas, and the City of Lubbock. Aguero is currently publisher of one of the two weekly Spanish newspapers in Lubbock, El Editor. ; Full biography can be found at ; The collection consists of personal, financial and business records, civil rights and social service organizational materials, and government papers. ; Bidal Aguero Papers, 1949-1988 and undated, Southwest ...
A publication that describes the farm to school program which connects schools (K-12)and local farms with the objectives of serving healthy meals in school cafeterias, improving student nutrition, providing agriculture, health and nutrition education opportunities, and supporting local and regional farmers.
Advancing Equity and Achievement in America's Diverse Schools illustrates how educators, students, families and community partners can work in strategic ways to build on social, cultural, and ethnic diversity to advance educational equity and achievement. By drawing on the latest data on demographic change, constructions of culture and cultural difference, and the politics of school reform in urban, rural, and suburban school communities, this volume looks toward solutions and strategies for meaningful educational improvement. Contributors consider both the diversity