Projeções da população do Nordeste brasileiro, 1975-1990
In: Série População e emprego 1
188522 Ergebnisse
In: Série População e emprego 1
World Affairs Online
In: XXIV sʺezd KPSS: Sotsialʹno-ėkonomicheskie problemy
Intro -- Contents -- Introduction -- History and Politics -- Part I -- 1. The Treatment of Capitalism -- 2. The Anticapitalist Bias of American Historians -- 3. The Treatment of Capitalism -- Part II -- 4. The Standard of Life of Workers in England, 1790–1830 -- 5. The Factory System of the Early Nineteenth Century
In: Sage open, Band 14, Heft 2
ISSN: 2158-2440
Today's agriculture, food, and natural resources (AFNR) sectors face many wicked problems like climate change. Addressing these complex problems will require people to have both social and technical knowledge. However, having knowledge is insufficient. Individuals must be able to think about things as they occur in complex systems. Systems thinking has been proposed as a way of tackling complex problems. The purpose of this study was to determine if there is a continuum of systems thinking paradigms, beyond the hard systems thinking and soft systems thinking dichotomy proposed by Checkland. A novel research method called Q methodology was used, which included two steps: (a) the collection of data that forms the Q-sorts and (b) the by-person factor analysis of the Q-sorts. Overall, the findings from this study support the idea that systems thinking occurs on a continuum which includes (a) Hard systems thinking, (b) HARDsoft systems thinking, (c) SOFThard systems thinking and (d) Soft systems thinking. HARDsoft and SOFThard systems thinking were newly discovered in this research. The four systems thinking paradigms identified in this study better reflect the nuances and complexities that are associated with human thought and can provide a more specialized approach to solving complex issues.
In: Applied research, Band 3, Heft 1
ISSN: 2702-4288
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Democratic stability depends on citizens on the losing side accepting election outcomes. Can rhetoric by political leaders undermine this norm? Using a panel survey experiment, we evaluate the effects of exposure to multiple statements from former president Donald Trump attacking the legitimacy of the 2020 US presidential election. Although exposure to these statements does not measurably affect general support for political violence or belief in democracy, it erodes trust and confidence in elections and increases belief that the election is rigged among people who approve of Trump's job performance. These results suggest that rhetoric from political elites can undermine respect for critical democratic norms among their supporters.
Democratic stability depends on citizens on the losing side accepting election outcomes. Can rhetoric by political leaders undermine this norm? Using a panel survey experiment, we evaluate the effects of exposure to multiple statements from former president Donald Trump attacking the legitimacy of the 2020 US presidential election. Although exposure to these statements does not measurably affect general support for political violence or belief in democracy, it erodes trust and confidence in elections and increases belief that the election is rigged among people who approve of Trump's job performance. These results suggest that rhetoric from political elites can undermine respect for critical democratic norms among their supporters.
This essay considers the rural-to-urban transition and correlates it with urban energy demands. Three distinct themes are inspected and interrelated to develop awareness for an urbanizing world: internal urban design and innovation, technical transition, and geopolitical change. Data were collected on the use of energy in cities and, by extension, nation states over the last 30 years. The urban population boom continues to pressure the energy dimension with heavily weighted impacts on less developed regions. Sustainable urban energy will need to reduce resource inputs and environmental impacts and decouple economic growth from energy consumption. Fossil fuels continue to be the preferred method of energy for cities; however, an increased understanding is emerging that sustainable energy forms can be implemented as alternatives. Key to this transition will be the will to invest in renewables (i.e., solar, wind, hydro, tidal, geothermal, and biomass), efficient infrastructure, and smart eco-city designs. This essay elucidates how the technical transition of energy-friendly technologies focuses on understanding the changes in the energy mix from non-renewable to renewable. Smart electricity storage grids with artificial intelligence can operate internationally and alleviate some geopolitical barriers. Energy politics is shown to be a problematic hurdle with case research examples specific to Central and Eastern Europe. The energy re-shift stressed is a philosophical re-thinking of modern cities as well as a new approach to the human-energy relationship.
In: "Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland" aus raumwissenschaftlicher Sicht, S. 169-193
Ziel des Artikels ist die Herausarbeitung der Auswirkungen von Kooperationen verschiedenartiger und unterschiedlich großer Netzwerke. Während die "Europäische Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland" (EMMD) sich über drei Bundesländer erstreckt und neu strukturiert wurde, umfasst das Städtenetz SEHN (Südharz-Eichfeld-Hainich- Netz) Mittel- und Kleinstädte in der Planungsregion Nordthüringen und besteht seit 1996. Schwerpunkt der Zusammenarbeit sind die sich ergänzenden Bereiche Kultur und Tourismus. Die Ziele des Städtenetzes SEHN im Arbeitskreis KulTour (Kombination aus Kultur und Tourismus) - wie die Verbesserung des Images der Planungsregion Nordthüringen, die Erhöhung des Bekanntheitsgrades von Alleinstellungsmerkmalen und Wissenswertem bei Gästen und Bürgern sowie die Interessenvertretung der Nordthüringer Städte nach außen - ließen sich durch eine projektbezogene Mitarbeit in der EMMD weit über die Landesgrenzen Thüringens hinaus verwirklichen. Projektbeispiele sind u.a.: Präsentation und Marketing für die Welterbestätten, Erstellung und Pflege eines digitalen mitteldeutschen Eventkalenders und die gemeinsame Erfassung und Vorstellung industriekultureller Potenziale. Die EMMD profitiert ebenfalls von den langjährigen Erfahrungen und Ideen des Städtenetzes SEHN. Außerdem ergänzt sie ihr Angebot durch einzigartige kulturelle Veranstaltungen und die touristischen Sehenswürdigkeiten Nordthüringens. Auch wenn die ideellen oder wirtschaftlichen Effekte der Kultur nicht immer messbar sind, sind die Vorteile dieser Zusammenarbeit eindeutig, z.B. durch die Transformation von kulturellen und touristischen Potenzialen, die Entwicklung gemeinsamer Ideen bis zur Projektrealisierung, die Teilnahme an Aktionen, welche sich eine kleine Städtekooperation allein nicht leisten könnte, die Einbindung in gemeinsame Druckerzeugnisse und digitale Vernetzung - kurz gesagt: durch Synergieeffekte und eine gebündelte Leistungskraft.
In: Notfall & Rettungsmedizin: Organ von: Deutsche Interdisziplinäre Vereinigung für Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin, Band 24, Heft 2, S. 134-142
ISSN: 1436-0578
Die aktuelle S3-Leitlinie Polytrauma/Schwerverletzten-Behandlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie (DGU) empfiehlt bei einem Pkw-Unfall mit einer Geschwindigkeitsveränderung von delta >30 km/h die Versorgung in einem Schockraum ohne Berücksichtigung der Verletzungen des Patienten. Ziel dieser Studie war es zu untersuchen, ob Patienten, die ausschließlich aufgrund dieses Kriteriums über einen Schockraum aufgenommen wurden, relevante Verletzungen aufwiesen, die intensivmedizinische Behandlungen oder (Not‑)Operationen benötigten.
Nach einem Pkw-Unfall wurden Patienten ohne spezifische Verletzung, bei denen ausschließlich eine Geschwindigkeitsveränderung von delta >30 km/h vorlag (Empfehlungsgrad B der S3-Leitlinie), der Studiengruppe, Patienten mit Verletzungen gem. Empfehlungsgrad A der Leitlinie der Vergleichsgruppe zugeordnet. Ein schockraumrelevantes Trauma wurde als Injury Severity Score (ISS) ≥16, operative Versorgung innerhalb 24 h, intensivmedizinische Überwachung >24 h, Versterben während des Krankenhausaufenthalts sowie DGU-Basiskollektiv (MAIS3+ oder MAIS2 mit Intensivverweildauer >24 h bzw. Versterben während des Krankenhausaufenthalts) definiert.
Der Vergleich zeigte einen hochsignifikanten Unterschied in Bezug auf den mittleren ISS (p ≤ 0,001), ein schockraumrelevantes Trauma (ISS ≥16; p ≤ 0,001), eine intensivmedizinische Versorgung >24 h (p ≤ 0,001), Operation innerhalb von 24 h nach Krankenhausaufnahme (p ≤ 0,001), Letalität (p ≤ 0,001) sowie DGU-Basiskollektiv (p ≤ 0,001). Anhand dieser Ergebnisse konnte gezeigt werden, dass innerhalb der Studiengruppe (Geschwindigkeitsveränderung von delta >30 km/h; Empfehlungsgrad B der S3-Leitlinie) lediglich ein Patient eine Traumafolge aufwies, die eine intensivmedizinische Behandlung >24 h oder eine Operation nötig machte. Studien- und Vergleichsgruppen waren in Bezug auf das mittlere Alter (p = 1,778), das männliche Geschlecht (p = 0,1728) sowie die durchschnittliche Unfallgeschwindigkeit (p = 0,4606) vergleichbar.
Ein alleiniges Vorliegen eines Pkw-Unfalls mit einer Geschwindigkeitsveränderung von delta >30 km/h kann nicht als adäquater Prädiktor für ein schockraumrelevantes Trauma gesehen werden. Weitere Studien könnten durch eine Leitlinienanpassung eine weiterhin sichere und hochwertige Patientenversorgung bei Reduktion von personellen und finanziellen Belastungen ermöglichen.
In: Reproductive sciences: RS : the official journal of the Society for Reproductive Investigation, Band 27, Heft 4, S. 1002-1007
ISSN: 1933-7205
Negotiations between the EU and the UK have reached deadlock, with the positions of the UK (no backstop, no single market, no customs union, no dependence on the ECJ), Ireland (backstop, no hard border) and the EU (backstop, indivisibility of the four freedoms, no cherry-picking) all being mutually exclusive. In the current stage of negotiations (or lack of, as the EU insists there will be no re-opening of talks) a hard Brexit is the only possible equilibrium. From a game theoretical perspective, the backstop is inacceptable for any British government as it permanently manifests only one sub-game perfect equilibrium, which is the backstop itself. Conversely, a time limitation on the backstop is unacceptable for the EU, as it risks manifesting another sub-game perfect equilibrium, which is hard Brexit. Therefore, neither renegotiation of the backstop nor elections or the extension of the withdrawal period of Article 50 TFEU can break the deadlock. A first-best solution, which from a trade perspective would be the continuation of UK membership in a reformed EU, is beyond the scope of this analysis. We instead take Brexit as given and discuss terms that limit its political and economic damage. We focus on the contentious issues only; we do not elaborate on the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement itself, for which a settlement has been reached that appears to be satisfactory for both sides. Because the core debate revolves around the backstop and the issue of a possible border between the Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, we mostly deal with trade policy arrangements.
After 16 years of Tayyip Erdoğan in power and with almost total control of the bureaucracy and the mainstream media, it has become hard to imagine a Turkey in which he and his party, the Justice and Development Party (AKP), would not win an election. Yet, after a long nail-biter of an election night, Turkey woke up on April 1 to results indicating a major shift: Defying expectations, Turkish voters had delivered a challenge to the dominance of the governing coalition. While this came as a surprise to some, it points to growing discontent among voters that was able to find expression through institutional means. This was made possible by various parts of the opposition that ran effective alliance strategies and campaigns as well as the election-night process. This accomplishment of the opposition, however, does not necessarily mean an easy shift to a democratic path in Turkey. Much depends on how various actors in the governing coalition respond to this new picture. (Autorenreferat)
Background/Objective: The topicality of the research is stipulated by the determination of the theoretical approaches that could serve as a basis for path finding out of the global systemic crisis. Theoretical views of outstanding economists of the past toward the future of humanity and the real state of the world are of undoubted interest. The article deals with the ideas of G.V. Plekhanov, analyzes the results of their implementation in Russia in the 1990s. Possible perspectives of social development are associated with a change in the socio-economic views on the role and the place of nature in today's context. Methods: The basic methods of studying this problem are the economic analysis, deduction, factor analysis and system-structural approach. Findings: The authors have given the analysis of the theory of economic growth stages, considered the views of Plekhanov toward the development of capitalism in Russia and the modification of the social nature of the monarchy and its consequences. To secure its future, the humankind is destined to change moral principles. Changing social consciousness depends on the level of culture and education. The theoretical approaches are determined that could be core ones in searching for ways out of the today's global problems. Improvements/Novelty: Solving global problems of today such as nature and society, war and peace, social inequality is closely linked to changes in consumption patterns. Nature, life on the planet should be a common goal for all countries and peoples. Economy and politics should be subject to this goal. These findings are of practical value to scientists, economists, sociologists, philosophers, as well as for college teachers. ; peer-reviewed