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World Affairs Online

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The Military Arm of the European Union

In: Rethinking marxism: RM ; a journal of economics, culture, and society ; official journal of the Association for Economic and Social Analysis, Volume 18, Issue 2, p. 325-337

ISSN: 1475-8059

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Open Access#120202016

How Brexit affects European Union power distribution


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Book(print)#1202320172 versions available

Research handbook on EU health law and policy

In: Research handbooks in European law

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Research handbook on EU administrative law

In: Research handbooks in European law



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Book(print)#1202520162 versions available

Research handbook on EU consumer and contract law

In: Research handbooks in European law

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Private regulation and the internal market: sports, legal services, and standard setting in EU economic law

In: Oxford studies in European law

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World Affairs Online

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Open Access#120302004

Geringes Vertrauen in wirtschaftlich schwachen Ländern: Indikatoren zu den Lebensverhältnissen in der erweiterten Europäischen Union ; Little confidence in economically weak countries: indicators relating to living conditions in the extended European Union