
1565 Ergebnisse


Open Access#14711985

Political marketing: from conviction to seduction ; Le marketing politique : de la conviction à la séduction


Open Access#14722021

Inter-regional contacts and voting behaviour in Belgium: What can we learn from the 2019 elections?


Open Access#14732021

Individual terminators of public participation in the general elections of 2018 ; Les déterminants individuels de la participation électorale aux élections générales québécoises de 2018


Open Access#14742021

The case-law of the Chilean Municipal Elections Court (1865-1888) ; La jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Elecciones Municipales de Chile (1865-1888)


Open Access#14752021

The 2020 municipal elections in Brazil: a local anchor of the conservative vote ; Las elecciones municipales de 2020 en Brasil: un arraigo local del voto conservador


Open Access#14762021

Freedom of electoral assembly and demonstration in the test of the Covid 19 epidemic (Note to the Conseil d'État, order for interim measures, 11 June 2021, 'Clémentine Autain') ; La liberté de réunion électorale et de manifestation à l'épreuve de l'épidémie de Covid 19 (Note sous Conseil d'État, ord...


Open Access#14772020

The Modernity of Caste and the Market Economy


Open Access#14782020

Lessons from the 2018 Cameroonian presidential election ; Leçons de l'élection présidentielle camerounaise de 2018


Open Access#14792020

Foreign policy in the election campaign ; La política exterior en campaña electoral


Open Access#14802020

Presidential electoral debates at the deliberative level. Case Mexico, 2012 and 2018 ; Debates electorales presidenciales bajo la mirada deliberativa. Caso México, 2012 y 2018


Open Access#14812019

Inclusion and social justice in Mexico. What to do from education? ; Inclusión y justicia social en México. ¿Qué hacer desde la educación?


Open Access#14822019

Territory, nation and living languages: the Aragonesista footprint of the bipartite regional government PSOE-CHA (2015-2018) ; Territorio, nación y lenguas vernáculas: la huella aragonesista del gobierno autonómico bipartito PSOE-CHA (2015-2018)


Open Access#14832019

Word "Candidate". The limited influence of gender on election speech on Twitter ; Palabra de candidata. La limitada influencia del género en el discurso electoral en Twitter


Open Access#14842019

Between gears, plebiscites and law initiatives: innovation in the directory of strategies of the Most AFP movement in Chile (2014-2018) ; Entre marchas, plebiscitos e iniciativas de ley: innovación en el repertorio de estrategias del movimiento No Más AFP en Chile (2014-2018)


Open Access#14852019

Voting after violence: How combat experiences and postwar trauma affect veteran and voter party choices in Croatia's 2003 postwar elections