
1830 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12017

The "New Cold Warriors" and the "Pragmatics": The Differences in Foreign Policy Attitudes towards Russia and the Eastern Partnership States among the NATO Member States from Central and South-Eastern Europe


Open Access#22017

The "New Cold Warriors" and the "Pragmatics": The Differences in Foreign Policy Attitudes towards Russia and the Eastern Partnership States among the NATO Member States from Central and South-Eastern Europe


Open Access#32017

Migracijske politike Europske unije i Australije: sličnosti i razlike ; Migration Policies of the EU and Australia: Similarities and Differences Abstract


Open Access#42017

Hladni rat - utjecaj na zemlje trećeg svijeta ; Cold War - the impact on third world countries


Open Access#52018

Mirovne misije OUN-a nakon završetka Hladnog rata u Kambodži i bivšoj Jugoslaviji ; OUN's Peacekeeping Missions after the end of the Cold War in Cambodia and former Yugoslavia


Open Access#62017

Posthladnoratovska diplomacija prinude – Balkanski ratovi i "odmetnute" države: Bosna, Kosovo, Afganistan i Irak ; The post-cold war coercive diplomacy – Balkan wars and rough states: Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq


Open Access#72008

Proširenje NATO-a: Geopolitička pobjeda SAD-a u post hladnoratovskom razdoblju? Rezultati i perspektive ; NATO Enlargement: A "Geopolitical Victory" of the United States in the Post-Cold War Era? Results and Perspectives


Open Access#82017

Američka čitaonica u Zagrebu i kulturalni Hladni rat u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji: intervju s dugogodišnjom direktoricom Nadom Apsen ; The American Librery Zagreb and the cultural Cold War in socialist Yugoslavia: an interview with its long-time director Nada Apsen


Open Access#92022

The Political Dimension of the Croatian Heritage Foundation's Delegation to Croatian Expatriate Communities in Australia in 1971 ; Politička dimenzija posjeta izaslanstva Matice iseljenika Hrvatske iseljeničkim zajednicama u Australiji 1971. godine


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#122018

The EU Stabilisation and Association Agreement for the Western Balkans: Between Challenges and Opportunities


Open Access#132009

"Ljudi bježite, auto je sigurno opet stigao da nekoga hapse". Analiza provođenja UNICEF-ovog Programa automobila i drugih prijevoznih sredstava u FNRJ 1948. – 1954. ; AN ANALYSIS OF THE INTRODUCTION OF THE UNICEF PROGRAM CONCERNING AUTOMOBILES AND OTHER VEHICLES IN YUGOSLAVIA IN THE PERIOD 1948-1954


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#152017

Stability, Ambiguity and Change in the Discourses of NATO allies in the Black Sea region: The Cases of Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey