
649 Ergebnisse


Open Access#6461831

Pamphlets - homoeopathic


Wolff, M. A. A. Homeopathic prescription; Wolff, M. A. A. Everlasting laws of nature, or, Some common sense. 1890; Sorge, W. (Gotthold Wilhelm), b. 1825. Für die Homöopathie wider Dr. Bardeleben, Rigler und Genossen. 1880; Smith, Thomas Franklin. Growth of homeopathy. 1905; Smith, Dean Tyler. Law of similars in the light of modern science. 1905; Schneider, H. G. (Heinrich Gottfried). Homöopathie und ihre Gegner. 1868; Richardson, Oscar K. Our school of practice is permanent . 1904; Perkins, C. Winfield. Pure homeopathic prescribing as a scientific method. 1907; Okie, A. Howard (Abraham Howard). Homoeopathy explained and questions answered. 1841; Nichols, C. F. (Charles Fessenden). Quantum sufficit; Morse, Lucius D. Popular exposition of homoeopathy. 1877; Melicher, Francisci Xaverii. De tractamine homoeopathico psorae instituto in universali nosocomio monacensi. 1831; Knowles, H. S., M.D. Homeopathy and alleopathy compared. 1896; Klauber, Dr. Wissenschaftlicher Bericht über die im Jahre 1886 im homöop. Kinderspitale zu Wien behandelten Kranken. 1886; Heinigke, Carl, -1889. Homöopathische Heilmethode vor der dritten Strafkammer des kgl. Langerichts . 1882; Gusken, M. Ist die Homöopathie Schwindel? 1884; Grabill, J. D. Petition of physicians and surgeons to the Legislature of this State in favor of introducing the homoeopathic system of medical treatment; Foster, R. Norman. Modern medicine. 1887; Feierabend, August Maurus, 1812-1887. Homöopathie und ihre Stellung zur Neuzeit. 1864; Craig, William S. Homoeopathy, a letter in answer to Mr. Braithwaite's "Temperate examination of homoeopathy." 1859; Terry, Marshall Orlando, b. 1848. Ethical relations of the surgeon to the profession. 1910; Couch, Asa S. Suggestions relative to the new propaganda of homoeopathy. 1910; Copeland, Royal S. (Royal Samuel), 1868-1938. In defense of the attenuated drug. 1904; Chamberlain, W. B. Origin of homoeopathy; Bruckner, Th. (Theophil), 1821-1896. Kurze Anleitung zum richtigen Gebrauch der wichtigsten homöopathischen Arzneimittel. 1877; Biggar, H. F. (Hamilton Fisk), 1839-1926. Future of medicine. 1902; Biggar, H. F. (Hamilton Fisk), 1839-1926. Homeopathy dominant. 1909


Open Access#647



Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928 author; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Über die räumliche Umgrenzung des notariellen Wirkungskreises und zwar auf dem festen Lande, dem Wasser und im Luftraum. 1901; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Studie über den Theilbau in der Landwirthschaft besonders in Dalmatien. 1894; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Ueber die Vollstreckbarkeit der notariellen Acte. 1885; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Über die Fälle in welchen der Notar berechtigt ist seine Dienste zu versagen. 1889; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Notariat in der Provinz Quebec (Canada). 1890; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Notariat en Grèce. 1900; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Notariat en Norwège. 1895; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Rolandinus Passaggerl. 1888; Boudouin-Bugnet, Maurice. Résumé analytique . de l'ouvrage de m. le dr. Vladimir Pappafava sur la condition civile des étrangers en Italie. 1895; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Règlementation des ventes par liquidation en Autriche. 1894; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Russische Gesetz über die Verfassung der Städte vom 11. Juni 1892. 1896; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. De la mer territoriale et de la soumission des navires étrangers à la juridiction locale. 1902; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Kurze Besprechung des russischen Gesetzes vom 12. Juni 1890 über die örtlichen Repräsentativ-Körperschaften der Provinzen und Districte. 1894; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Hochzeitsgebräuche bei den Morlaken Dalmatiens. 1896; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Communication à la Société de législation comparée de France. 1893; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Étude sur le notariat au Mexique. 1900; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Étude sur l'organisation judiciaire dans la République de l'Équateur. 1900; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Étude sur le notariat dans la République Sud-Africaine. 1901; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Fall aus der Praxis zur Beleuchtung verschiedener das Colonenverhältniss betreffender Fragen . 1900; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Condiçoes civis dos estrangeiros. 1902; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Cérémonies nuptiales chez les Morlaques de la Dalmatie. 1902; Pappafava, Vladimir, 1850-1928. Ceremonias y fiestas nupciales entre los Morlacos de la Dalmacia. 1890


Open Access#6481857

Pamphlets : sociology


Wright, Carroll D. (Carroll Davidson), 1840-1909. Intemperance and crime; Wolf, Julius, 1862-1937. Student und die sociale Frage; Speirs, Frederic W. (Frederic William), 1867-1905. Vacant-lot cultivation; Wines, E. C. (Enoch Cobb), 1806-1879. Fourth National prison reform congress of the United States; Wayland, Francis, 1826-1904. Some of the causes which tend to promote the increase of crime in the United States; Wayland, Francis, 1826-1904. Opening address before the American Social Science Association; Walley, Samuel Hurd, 1805-1877. High prices : their causes and remedy; Small, Albion W., 1854-1926. Methods of studying society; Randall, Caleb Dwinell, 1831-1903. International prison congress; Randall, Caleb Dwinell, 1831-1903. Quels sont les moyens d'assurer la défense et la protection de l'enfant traduit en justice?; MacDonald, Arthur, 1856-1936. Ethics as applied to criminology; Lord, Henry W. (Henry William), 1821-1891. Dependent children; Lord, Henry W. (Henry William), 1821-1891. Relations of education and industry to crime and pauperism; Fulcomer, Daniel. Instruction in sociology in institutions of learning; Clifford, John, 1836-1923. Socialism and the teaching of Christ; Webb, Sidney, 1859-1947. Difficulties of individualism; Bentley, Arthur F. (Arthur Fisher), 1870-1957. Units of investigation in the social sciences; Davis, Robert Thompson, 1823-1906. Pauperism in the city of New York; University of Wisconsin. Ely investigation : communication of superintindent Wells to the investigating committee; Massachusetts. State Reform School (Westborough, Mass.). Services at the induction of William E. Starr; Fabian Society (Great Britain). English progress towards social democracy; Fabian Society (Great Britain). Workers' political programme


Open Access#6491861

[Pamphlets in philology and the humanities

Figueiredo, Fidelino de, 1888-1967. Critica litteraria em Portugal. 1910; Figueiredo, Fidelino de, 1888-1967. Espirito historico. 1910; Rankin, Thomas Ernest, 1872-1935. John Ruskin, master of English literature; Hoskins, John Preston, 1867-1935 . Place and function of a standard in a genetic theory of literary development. 1909?; Owen, Edward Thomas, 1850-1931. Relations expressed by the passive voice. 1910; Latimer, Thomas E. Study of four year high schools in the state of Washington. 1908; Cady, Calvin Brainerd, 1851-1928. Syllabus of a course on the first four periods in music education for pianoforte interpreters. 1910; Rankin, Thomas Ernest, 1872-1935. Materials for the study of rhetoric and compostition; Crane, Richard Teller, 1832-1912. Value of higher schooling. 1911; Dickson, Virgil Everett, 1885- . High school curricula in the United States. 1909; Briggs, Thomas Henry, 1877- . Spelling lesson. 1911; Stoll, Elmer Edgar, 1874-1959. Shylock; Merrill, Elizabeth Bryant. Dialogue in English literature. 1911; Bigelow, Poultney, 1855-1954. German press and the United States. 1896?; Proctor, Julian. Future of the newspaper; Royster, James Finch, 1880-1930. Middle English treatise on the Ten Commandments. 1911; Lloyd, Alfred H. (Alfred Henry), 1864-1927. Dualism, Parallelism and infinitism; Rippmann, Walter, 1869- . Simplified spelling. 1911; Thurber, Edward A. Problem of teaching rhetoric in the high school. 1910; Schmalhausen, Ella. Grammar required for entrance to high school. 1911; Smith, Lewis Wilbur, 1877- . Teaching of grammar in the high school. 1911; Toland, Jessie M. What grammar students should know when they enter high school. 1911; Gowdy, Chestine, 1860- . Imitative writing in the high schools. 1991; Bagley, William C. (William Chandler), 1874-1946. Science as related to the teaching of literature. 1911; White, William Allen, 1868-1944. What's the matter with Kansas? 1896; Scott, Fred Newton, 1860-1931; Universität München. Amtliches Verzeichnis des Personals der Lehrer, Beamten und Studierenden an der Königlich Bayerischen Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität zu München. 1906; New York (State). Education Dept. Division of Trades Schools. Vocational education. 1910; United States. Government Printing Office. Letter from the Superintendent of Public Printing, transmitting his annual report, January 9, 1861; University of Kansas. Dept. of School Visitation. High school bulletin in English and mathematics. 1910