
1020 Ergebnisse


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#113. Juli 2023

Exploring neurological & mental brain disorders in Europe

In: Open access government, Band 39, Heft 1, S. 166-167

ISSN: 2516-3817

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#21. Juni 2016

Gene-Tailored Treatments for Brain Disorders: Challenges and Opportunities

In: Public health genomics, Band 19, Heft 3, S. 170-177

ISSN: 1662-8063

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Open Access#42019

Common brain disorders are associated with heritable patterns of apparent aging of the brain

Kaufmann, Tobias; van der Meer, Dennis; Doan, Nhat Trung; Schwarz, Emanuel; Lund, Martina Jonette; Agartz, Ingrid; Alnæs, Dag; Barch, Deanna M; Baur-Streubel, Ramona; Bertolino, Alessandro; Bettella, Francesco; Beyer, Mona K; Bøen, Erlend; Borgwardt, Stefan; Brandt, Christine Lycke; Buitelaar, Jan; Celius, Elisabeth Gulowsen; Cervenka, Simon; Conzelmann, Annette; Còrdova Palomera, Aldo; Dale, Anders; de Quervain, Dominique J.F; di Carlo, Pasquale; Djurovic, Srdjan; Dørum, Erlend Solberg; Eisenacher, Sarah; Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn; Espeseth, Thomas; Fatouros-Bergman, Helena; Flyckt, Lena; Franke, Barbara; Frei, Oleksandr; Haatveit, Beathe; Håberg, Asta; Harbo, Hanne Flinstad; Hartman, Catharina A; Heslenfeld, Dirk J; Hoekstra, Pieter J; Høgestøl, Einar August; Jernigan, Terry L; Jonassen, Rune; Jönsson, Erik Gunnar; Kirsch, Peter; Kłoszewska, Iwona; Kolskår, Knut-Kristian; Landrø, Nils Inge; Le Hellard, Stephanie; Lesch, Klaus-Peter; Lovestone, Simon; Lundervold, Arvid; Lundervold, Astri; Maglanoc, Luigi Angelo; Malt, Ulrik Fredrik; Mecocci, Patrizia; Melle, Ingrid; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; Moberget, Torgeir; Norbom, Linn Christin Bonaventure; Nordvik, Jan Egil; Nyberg, Lars; Oosterlaan, Jaap; Papalino, Marco; Papassotiropoulos, Andreas; Pauli, Paul; Pergola, Giulio; Persson, Karin Ester Torun; Richard, Geneviève; Rokicki, Jaroslav; Sanders, Anne-Marthe; Selbæk, Geir; Shadrin, Alexey A; Smeland, Olav Bjerkehagen; Soininen, Hilkka; Sowa, Piotr; Steen, Vidar Martin; Tsolaki, Magda; Ulrichsen, Kristine Moe; Vellas, Bruno; Wang, Lei; Westman, Eric; Ziegler, Georg C; Zink, Mathias; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Westlye, Lars Tjelta


Buch(elektronisch)#520072 Versionen verfügbar

Moral psychology: Volume 3: The neuroscience of morality: emotion, brain disorders, and development

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#61. April 2021

Immunohistological Examination of AKT Isoforms in the Brain: Cell-Type Specificity That May Underlie AKT's Role in Complex Brain Disorders and Neurological Disease

In: Cerebral Cortex Communications, Band 2, Heft 2

ISSN: 2632-7376

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#719. Dezember 2023

To be or not to be hallucinating: Implications of hypnagogic/hypnopompic experiences and lucid dreaming for brain disorders

In: PNAS nexus, Band 3, Heft 1

ISSN: 2752-6542

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Neurological, Psychiatric, and Developmental Disorders: Meeting the Challenge in the Developing World



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Open Access#92013

Cost of disorders of the brain in Europe 2010



Brain protection in schizophrenia, mood and cognitive disorders

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#12Juni 1992

Brain development: Pervasive developmental disorders and infantile autism

In: New directions for mental health services: a quarterly sourcebook, Band 1992, Heft 54, S. 9-17

ISSN: 1558-4453

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Open Access#132015

Developmental Psychopathology from Family Systems and Family Risk Factors Perspectives: Implications for Family Research, Practice, and Policy


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Open Access#152013

The size and burden of mental disorders and other disorders of the brain in Europe 2010