
14 Ergebnisse


Open Access#11992

How can the KCRC improve its competitive edge in open competition?


Open Access#22003

Agent-based models of competing population


Open Access#31998

The market versus the state: the political economy of stock news reporting in the Shenzhen Special Zone daily


Open Access#42000

Organizational evolution via spatial partitioning: case study of a state-owned advertising agency in reform China


Open Access#52009

The choice between ketmen and rawap (the hoe and the lute): transmission of Dolan Muqam in Xinjiang under the impact of cultural policies. ; 新疆刀郎木卡姆在文化政策影響下的傳承 ; Xinjiang Daolang Mukamu zai wen hua zheng ce ying xiang xia de chuan cheng


Open Access#62006

Cultural conceptions of intellectual property: the pirated disc market in Xi'an, China


Open Access#72005

Mainstream or alternative?: the RTHK coverage of the 2004 Legislative Council election compared with the commercial broadcaster


Open Access#82011

Incorporating "old" and "new": globalization, cultural identity, and Peking opera in Hong Kong. ; 「新」與「舊」的結合: 全球化、文化認同與香港京劇 ; " xin" yu " jiu" de jie he: quan qiu hua, wen hua ren tong yu Xianggang jing ju


Open Access#92019

印度对印太外交的考虑及其局限: India's Indo-Pacific Diplomacy and its Limitations


Open Access#102013

Class and power dynamics in urban "development": a case study of a community museum in Hong Kong. ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection


Open Access#112013

Language, politics and identity: the making of a Taiwanese language. ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection


Open Access#122012

十四、十五世紀朱子學的流傳與演變: 以《四書五經性理大全》的成書與思想反應為中心. ; 以四書五經性理大全的成書與思想反應為中心 ; 十四十五世紀朱子學的流傳與演變 ; Spread and evolution of Neo-Confucianism in the 14th and 15th centuries: a study on the Sishu Wujing Xingli Daquan's formation and intellectual reactions ; Study on the Sishu Wujing Xingli Daquan's formation and int...


Open Access#132012

中国地市官员籍贯与当地公共物品提供. ; Hometown of prefectural officials and the provision of local public goods in contemporary China ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; Zhongguo di shi guan yuan ji guan yu dang di gong gong wu pin ti gong


Open Access#142016

中國的地方環保治理: 選擇性政策執行與中央的再集權 ; Zhongguo de di fang huan bao zhi li: Xuan ze xing zheng ce zhi xing yu zhong yang de zai ji quan