
201 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12006

Корупција и одговорност правних лица за кривична дела ; Corruption and responsibility of legal persons for criminal acts


Buch(gedruckt)#220202 Versionen verfügbar

Annotated legal documents on Islam in Europe: : Denmark

In: Annotated legal documents on Islam in Europe 18

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#42016

Pravna povijest novca: Greshamov zakon ili - nema stabilnog novca ; Legal history of money: Gresham's law - there is no stable currency


Open Access#52018

Game theory and law: The example of the World trade organization law


Open Access#62020

Тестаментално наслеђивање – само правна осмоза? ; Testamental Inheritance – Just a Legal Osmosis?


Open Access#72005

O promicanju međunarodne pravde: SAD i Međunarodni kazneni sud ; On upholding international justice: The U.S. and the International Criminal Court


Open Access#82019

Pravna znanost: Kantorowiczeva dioba na discipline ili funkcije? ; Legal Science: Kantorowicz's Division into Disciplines or Functions?


Open Access#92020

Анализа примене нових законских решења у сузбијању корупције у Републици Србији ; Analysis of the Application of New Legal Solutions in Supression of Corruption in the Republic of Serbia


Open Access#102019

Praktična implementacija direktiva o pravu na pristup branitelju i pravnoj pomoći u hrvatskom odvjetništvu ; Practical Implementation of the Directives on the Right of Access to a Lawyer and to Legal Aid in the Croatian Legal Profession



Medunarodno kazneno pravo i povijest - uvod u istrazivacki projekt

In: Politicka misao, Band 46, Heft 4, S. 67-75

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#122019

Imovinski odnosi u obitelji: nacionalna pravna rješenja i europski trendovi ; Family Property Relations: National Legal Solutions and European Trends


Open Access#132007

Neke dvojbe u vezi s primjenom novog Zakona o tajnosti podataka ; Dilemmas with regard to implementation of the law on data confidentiality


Open Access#142020

Zaštita žrtava u kaznenom postupku - praktična implementacija Direktive 2012/29/EU ; Victim Protection Within Criminal Proceedings: The Practical Implementation of Directive 2012/29/EU


Open Access#152018

Kažnjavanje počinitelja najtežih seksualnih delikata na štetu djece u RH: zakonski okviri i postojeća sudska praksa ; Punishing perpetrators of the most serious sexual crimes against children in the Republic of Croatia: legislative framework and current case law