
831 Ergebnisse



Do unconventional forms of citizen participation add value to the quality of democracy in Germany?: a case study of the Bürgerdialog Energietechnologien für die Zukunft

In: Empowering citizens: studies in collaborative democracy, S. 17-105


Understanding high-skilled migration in developed countries: the upcoming battle for brains

In: Reports for the Fondazione Rodolfo DeBenedetti, S. 15-198


Religion, values and politics in Poland, Hungary and Czecho-Slovakia 1990

In: Lebensverhältnisse und soziale Konflikte im neuen Europa: Verhandlungen des 26. Deutschen Soziologentages in Düsseldorf 1992, S. 646-655


The cross-border labour market: a priority in the Eurodistrict PAMINA

In: Border Futures - Zukunft Grenze - Avenir Frontière: The future viability of cross-border cooperation, S. 322-335


Reconstructive research and the documentary method in Brazilian and German educational science: an introduction

In: Qualitative analysis and documentary method in international educational research, S. 7-38


Happiness as an expression of freedom and self-determination: a comparative multilevel analysis

In: Challenges for quality of life in the contemporary world: advances in quality-of-life studies and research, S. 207-231