
1200 Ergebnisse


Open Access#612006

Percepcija EU u hrvatskoj javnosti ; The Perception of the European Union Among the Croatian Public


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

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Open Access#642018

Utjecaj globalizacije na internacionalizaciju javnih europskih sveučilišta ; The impact of globalization on the internationalisation of european public universities


Open Access#652022

The State of Social Entrepreneurship in Selected European Union Countries ; Društveno poduzetništvo u odabranim zemljama Europske unije


Open Access#662017

Percepcija poštivanju prava djeteta u obitelji kod mladih – prikaz empirijskog istraživanja ; Young people perception of respect for children's rights in the family – review of empirical study


Open Access#672022

Utjecaj pandemije Covid-19 na gospodarski učinak Europskih zemalja ; Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on economic performance of European Countries


Open Access#682019

Obveza zaštita manjina od Kopenhagena do danas ; The Obligation to Protect Minority Rights from Copenhagen to the Present


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World Affairs Online

Open Access#702018

Varijabilna realnost Zapadnog Balkana u kontekstu evropske integracije ; Variable Reality of the Western Balkans in the Context of the European Integration


Open Access#712012

Promidžba demokracije kao vanjskopolitički cilj Europske Unije ; The Promotion of Democracy as a Foreign Policy Goal of the European Union


Open Access#722006

Uzroci neuspjeha Europskog ustava iz perspektive ustavotvorstva ; The Causes of Failure of the European Constitution From the Perspective of the Constitution-Making Process


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Globalizacija i gradansko-drzavljanska prava

In: Politicka misao, Band 45, Heft 1, S. 71-92

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Globalizacija i gradansko-drzavljanska prava

In: Politicka misao, Band 45, Heft 1, S. 71-92

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft