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Global processes of flight and migration: the explanatory power of case studies

In: Göttingen series in sociological biographical research volume 4

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Global processes of flight and migration = Globale Flucht- und Migrationsprozesse: The explanatory power of case studies = Die Erklärungskraft von Fallstudien

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Translokale Ethnografie

In: Forum qualitative Sozialforschung: FQS = Forum: qualitative social research, Band 6, Heft 3

ISSN: 1438-5627

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Blogbeitrag#612. April 2024

Immigration and Families: Examining the Causes, Processes, and Consequences of Migration

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Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#132015

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Blogbeitrag#1515. November 2023

Human Rights in Migration Societies. Exploring the Intersection of Human Rights and Migration in Law, Politics, and Everyday Life

Blog: Soziopolis. Gesellschaft beobachten