
223 Ergebnisse


Open Access#542018

Organizacija združenih narodov in Milenijski razvojni cilji: prispevek k stabilnosti mednarodne skupnosti ; United Nations and the Millennium Development Goals: the contribution to the stability of the international community


Open Access#572019

Dejavniki uspešnosti mednarodnih režimov: primer preprečevanja tihotapljenja migrantov v času migrantske krize 2015–2018. ; Factors of effectiveness of international regimes: the case of preventing smuggling of migrants during the 2015–2018 migration crisis


Open Access#592016

La Unión Europea ante la crisis libia: ¿derecho internacional, democracia y derechos humanos en las relaciones euromediterráneas? ; EU's stance on Libyan crisis: international law, democracy and human rights in Euro-Mediterranean relations?