
723 Ergebnisse


Open Access#1811482

Wealth, Violance and Status: Lay and Ecclesiastical ?lites in the Middle Loire Valley, c. 850- c. 1150


Open Access#1821480

"Between childhood and night" – The role of literature and emotion in the writing of Conor Cruise O'Brien


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

World Affairs Online


Open Access#1851559

By the Quene. The Quenes maiestie considering howe necessary it is and pleasynge to almyghtye God, to haue concorde and peace with al princes . hath therefore . passed, concluded and agreed, a good, perfect, syncere and perpetuall amitie, peace . betwene hir most excellent Maiestie . and the ryght h...


Open Access#1861597

The lavves and acts of Parliament : maid be King Iames the First, and his svccessovrs kinges of Scotland [1424-1597] ; Laws, etc. (Session laws, 1424-1597) ; Lawes and acts of Parliament ; Laws and acts of Parliament ; De veborum significatione the exposition of the termes and difficill vvordes, con...


Open Access#1871597

The lavves and acts of Parliament : maid be King Iames the First, and his svccessovrs kinges of Scotland [1424-1597] ; Laws, etc. (Session laws, 1424-1597) ; Lawes and acts of Parliament ; Laws and acts of Parliament ; De veborum significatione the exposition of the termes and difficill vvordes, con...


Open Access#1881564

Lettres pate[n]tes du Roy par lesquelles il excepte et reserue son solliciteur general de ses finances de payer les consignatio[n]s portees par son Edit faict pour l'abbreuiation des proces; Lettres patentes du Roy par lesquelles il excepte et reserue son solliciteur general de ses finances de payer...



Open Access#1911613

Aphorismes ciuill and militarie amplified with authorities, and exemplified with historie, out of the first quarterne of Fr. Guicciardine


Open Access#1921588

Discours faict par Michel Quillian Breton. Dedié a Monseigneur le duc de Guyse grand maistre de France, gouuerneur general pour le roy; Discovrs faict par Michel Quillian Breton


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

World Affairs Online

Open Access#1941481

Essays on monetary policy and financial stability


Open Access#1951575

The order and vsage of the keeping of a parlement in England, and The description of tholde and ancient cittie of Fxcester [sic]. Collected by Iohn Vovvel alias Hooker gentleman ; Order and usage of keeping of the parlements in England