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Open Access#42009

Parental expectations of the Swedish municipal school of arts


Article(electronic)#6August 21, 2023

Automated temperature measurement and sanitization totem construction for the municipal schools of Naviraí

In: Revista Caribeña de Ciencias Sociales: RCCS, Volume 12, Issue 3, p. 1315-1326

ISSN: 2254-7630

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Article(electronic)#8August 2, 2022

Garden at scholl: agroecological paths and multidisciplinary dialogues in municipal schools in Canaã do Carajás-PA

In: RealizAção: revista online de extensão e cultura, Volume 9, Issue 17

ISSN: 2358-3401

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Open Access#112020

Escola Municipal de Música de São Paulo (São Paulo Municipal School of Music): an example of non-formal music teaching ; Escola Municipal de Música de São Paulo: um exemplo de ensino não formal de música


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Open Access#132017

Municipal School of Theater of Tandil: historical construction and theatrical identity ; Escuela Municipal de Teatro de Tandil: construcción histórica e identidad teatral ; Escola Municipal de Teatro de Tandil: construção histórica e identidade teatral


Open Access#142021

Domesticity in the first stage of Francoism in the Municipal School of Arts and Crafts of Vigo ; La domesticidad en la primera etapa del franquismo en la Escuela Municipal de Artes y Oficios de Vigo


Open Access#152022

Municipal Campaign School Resources Guide
