
5 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12012

"有教無類": 中晚明士大夫對宦官態度的轉變及其行動的意義. ; 中晚明士大夫對宦官態度的轉變及其行動的意義 ; 有教無類 ; "Education without discrimination": a study of mid and late Ming scholar-officials' change of attitude to the eunuchs and the significances of their resultant actions ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; "You jiao wu le...


Open Access#22012

從「清議」到「默修」: 清初東林書院研究. ; Autonomy and authority: the Tung-lin Academy in the early Qing period ; 從清議到默修: 清初東林書院研究 ; Cong "qing yi" dao "mo xiu": Qing chu Dong lin shu yuan yan jiu. ; Cong qing yi dao mo xiu: Qing chu Dong lin shu yuan yan jiu


Open Access#32003

Complex equality, shared understandings, and social criticism: Michael Walzer's political philosophy


Open Access#42016

The Paths to Youth Activism in Hong Kong: A Case Study of the Scholarism


Open Access#52012

Exploring the multiple meanings of drug addiction: drug discourses in mediation, rehabilitation and local youth drug addicts. ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection