
231 Ergebnisse


Open Access#1962012

Wives as breadwinners: a study of spousal relations in urban Northeast China. ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection


Open Access#1972010

Stability and safety assessment of the exudates from Lentinula edodes sp. used as a food colorant


Open Access#1982002

The Hong Kong logistics industry and a study of inventory management models with advance ordering


Open Access#1992000

Gender and the politics of cross-border family organization


Open Access#2001998

Politicians, legislature, and localism in Guangdong--: towards an institutionalized autonomy


Open Access#2012013

雍城時期秦文化的發展與演變. ; Study of development of Qin culture during Yong Cheng period ; Yongcheng shi qi Qin wen hua de fa zhan yu yan bian


Open Access#2022019

A Vision of Sustainable Security and Global Security Governance/可持续安全观与全球安全治理 ; 可持续安全观与全球安全治理


Open Access#2032013

發動群眾: 革命、建政與改革時期中國共產黨的社會動員. ; Mobilizing the masses: social mobilizations of the Chinese Communist Party in the eras of revolution, regime building, and reform ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; Fa dong qun zhong: ge ming, jian zheng yu gai ge shi qi Zhongguo gong chan dang de she...


Open Access#2042013

Three case studies of "Chineseness" in Chinese rock. ; 中國搖滾樂中的「中國性」之案例研究 ; Zhongguo yao gun yue zhong de "Zhongguo xing" zhi an li yan jiu


Open Access#2052014

女性幻想男男之爱: 中国网络耽美与酷儿性研究 = Female fantasy of male homosexuality : queering boy's love fandom on the Chinese internet. ; 中国网络耽美与酷儿性研究 ; Female fantasy of male homosexuality: queering boy's love fandom on the Chinese internet ; Nü xing huan xiang nan nan zhi ai: Zhongguo wang luo dan mei yu ku er xing y...


Open Access#2062012

The desirability and feasibility of democracy in the eyes of private entrepreneurs in China


Open Access#2072013

A historical study of the development of public health nursing in the maternal and child health centres in Hong Kong 1954 - 2010. ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection


Open Access#2082019

Beautifying Zhuang Village - A meaningful exploration of the future of protection and development of the rural vernacular building


Open Access#2092012

家庭团聚是移民法体系的核心 : 美国、加拿大家庭团聚移民政策分析 ; Family reunion immigration law system core : the United States, Canada family reunion immigration policy analysis