
10 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12009

Electoral coordination of opposition in competitive authoritarian regime: a case of Hong Kong


Open Access#22009

Internal coherence and electoral performance of the Democratic Party of Japan: party organization and media


Open Access#32015

選舉威權下的民主倒退: 香港回歸後政權鞏固及精英籠絡工程. ; 香港回歸後政權鞏固及精英籠絡工程 ; Xuan ju wei quan xia de min zhu dao tui: Xianggang hui gui hou zheng quan gong gu ji jing ying long luo gong cheng. ; Xianggang hui gui hou zheng quan gong gu ji jing ying long luo gong cheng


Open Access#42001

Structure of power in Chinese rural market town in Hong Kong: the case of Yuen Long markets from the establishment to the downfall


Open Access#52000

Women and poverty in Hong Kong: power in the economy, the state and discourse


Open Access#62016

Utopian Communities and The Dream of a Better World: an Ethnographic Analysis of Life Chanyuan (China), Christiania (Denmark), and Damanhur (Italy)


Open Access#72014

The cognitive and affective framing processes in the Tsoi Yuen resistance movement in Hong Kong


Open Access#82012

「國族」統攝「性別」?: 近代中國知識分子的性別與國族論述. ; 近代中國知識分子的性別與國族論述 ; 國族統攝性別? ; Nation precedes gender?: modern Chinese intellectuals' discourse on gender and nation ; Modern Chinese intellectuals' discourse on gender and nation ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; "Guo zu" tong she "xing bie"?: jin ...


Open Access#92015

從"祠之如故"到"禮俗合一": 秦漢地方山川和人神祭祀研究 = From "sacrifice as the past" to "corresponding custom to ritual" : a study on local cults through Qin-Han China. ; From "sacrifice as the past" to "corresponding custom to ritual": a study on local cults through Qin-Han China ; 從祠之如故到禮俗合一: 秦漢地方山川和人神祭祀研究 ; 秦漢地方山川和人神祭祀研...


Open Access#102012

權力、空間與社會關係: 寧夏海原縣的"現代化"與民眾反應. ; 寧夏海原縣的現代化與民眾反應 ; 權力空間與社會關係 ; Power, space and social relations: "modernization" and people's response in Haiyuan County, Ningxia, China ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; Quan li, kong jian yu she hui guan xi: Ningxia Haiyuan Xian de "xian dai hua" ...