
29 Ergebnisse



Open Access#21562

Susjedstvo hrvatskoga s drugim jezicima na hrvatskom tlu ; Adjacency of the Croatian Language to Other Languages on Croatian Territory


Open Access#31562

A proclamation for the obseruation of certein statutes with a fourme howe the same shal be executed, and a summarye abridgement of euery of the same statutes, folowing


Open Access#41559

Anno primo Reginæ Elizabethæ at the Parliament begunne at Westminster, the xxiij of Januarie, in the fyrst yere of the raigne of our soueraigne lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, queene, defender of the fayth &c., and there prorogued till the xxv. of the same mo...


Open Access#51556

A shorte treatise of politike pouuer and of the true obedience which subiectes owe to kynges and other ciuile gouernours, with an exhortacion to all true naturall Englishe men, compyled by. D. I.P. B. R. VV


Open Access#61571

Reformatio legum ecclesiasticarum ex authoritate primum Regis Henrici. 8. inchoata: deinde per Regem Edouardum 6. prouecta, adauctaq́[ue] in hunc modum, atq[ue] nunc ad pleniorem ipsarum reformationem in lucem ædita


Open Access#91559

A myrroure for magistrates Wherein may be seen by example of other, with howe greuous plages vices are punished: and howe frayle and vnstable worldly prosperitie is founde, even of those, whom fortune seemeth most highly to fauour. Anno. 1559. ; Mirrour for magistrates. Part 3


Open Access#101567

A learned commendation of the politique lawes of Englande vvherin by moste pitthy reasons & euident demonstrations they are plainelye proued farre to excell aswell the ciuile lawes of the Empiere, as also all other lawes of the world, with a large discourse of the difference betwene the. ii. gouerne...


Open Access#111542

Vnterricht, vnd vermanung, wie man wider den Türcken peten und streyten soll : Auff ansuchung etlicher guter Herrn vnd Freunde. An die jhenigen gestelt, bey denen der Türck schon angriffen, vnd schaden gethon, vnd sie desselben noch alle tag gewertig sein müssen



Open Access#121573

By the Queen, a proclamation against the despisers or breakers of the orders prescribed in the Book of Common-prayer



Open Access#131563

Anno quinto reginæ Elizabethe. At the parliament holden at Wesmynster the .xii. of Ianuary, in the fyfth yere of the raigne of our soueraigne lady, Elizabeth by the grace of god, of England, Fraunce, and Irelande, quene, defendour of the the fayth. [et]c. To the hygh pleasure of almyghtye God, and t...


Open Access#151544

Of the auctorite of the word of god agaynst the bisshop of london wherein are conteyned certen disputacyons had in the parlament howse betwene the bisshops a bowt the nomber of the sacramen[n]ts and other things, very necessary to be known, made by Alexa[n]der Alane Scot and sent to the duke of Saxo...