
3 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12015

反思红卫兵的暴力: 生命传记、文革记忆与政治文化 = Rethinking the violence of the Red Guards : life biography, memory and political culture of the Cultural Revolution. ; Rethinking the violence of the Red Guards: life biography, memory and political culture of the Cultural Revolution ; Fan si hong wei bing de bao li: sheng...


Open Access#22014

Emotional politics: joyous resistance of people power = 情感政治 : 人民力量的快樂抗爭. ; 情感政治: 人民力量的快樂抗爭 ; Emotional politics: joyous resistance of people power = Qing gan zheng zhi : ren min li liang de kuai yue kang zheng. ; Qing gan zheng zhi: ren min li liang de kuai yue kang zheng


Open Access#32013

Hunting mirages of success: dreams of extralegal South Asians in Hong Kong