
3039 Ergebnisse


Open Access#11816

Translation of the General Treaty, signed in Congress, at Vienna, June 9, 1815; with the acts thereunto annexed


Open Access#21856

Disertacion sobre la historia por el Canónigo Don Martin Avelino Piñero, dedicada al Doctor Don Joaquin Requena


Open Access#41819

Examenes generales de matematicas que deben sufrir los alumnos de la Academia establecida baxo los auspicios del Consulado de esta capital Y tendran lugar el 26 del corriente, á las diez del dia en la sala del Tribunal Consular, segun costumbre y en presencia de las Corporaciones y Autoridades


Open Access#51848

Message of the President of the United States ; Treaty with Mexico ; Transmitting a copy of the treaty of peace, friendship, limits, and settlement, between the United States and the Republic of Mexico, ratifications of which were exchanged at the city of Queretaro, in Mexico, on the 30th of May, 18...


Open Access#61833

Diario mercantil de Cadiz



Open Access#91707

Compendio militar, que demuestra a todos los professores de la guerra, oficiales, y soldados, lo tocante à sus exercicios, assi en campaña, y expugnaciones de toda suerte de plaças, como en sus defensas, forma de esquadronar, y fortificar, assi el Real, como las plaças, con varias prevenciones milit...


Open Access#101842

Message from the President of the United States ; In compliance with a resolution of the Senate, information touching the proceedings under the Convention of the 11th April, 1839, between the United States and the Mexican Republic ; 27th Congress, Second Session: [No.] 320 [Senate]


Open Access#111846

Message of the President of the United States ; Communicating information of the existing relations between the United States and Mexico, and recommending the adopting of measures for repelling the invasion committed by the Mexican forces upon the territory of the United States ; 29th Congress, Firs...


Open Access#131845

The present situation. A letter addressd to the Nacional, No. 1953 of the 18th June 1845, Translated from the Spanish


Open Access#141837

Claims Upon Mexico ; Message from the President of the United States, upon the subject of the claims of the United States upon the United Mexican States ; 24th Congress, Second Session: Document No. 139 [House of Representatives, Executive]


Open Access#151820

Manuscrito remitido de la isla de Santa Elena por conducto reservado
