




Weitere Sprachen


199 Ergebnisse


Open Access#162002

A new approach to circular unidimensional scaling


Open Access#172001

Structure of power in Chinese rural market town in Hong Kong: the case of Yuen Long markets from the establishment to the downfall


Open Access#182008

State-business relations in Hong Kong through Executive Council, 1982-2005: a network perspective


Open Access#192013

科技人力資本投資的市場及財政機制: 理工科碩士的升博意願研究. ; Market and financial mechanism on human capital investment in science and technology: an investigation of science and engineering graduate student's aspiration for doctoral degree ; 理工科碩士的升博意願研究 ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; Ke ji ren li zi b...


Open Access#202015

社會資本轉化: 弱勢小學在類教育市場逆轉重生的策略 = Social capital transformation : the strategies of turnaround school in quasi-education market. ; Social capital transformation: the strategies of turnaround school in quasi-education market ; 弱勢小學在類教育市場逆轉重生的策略 ; She hui zi ben zhuan hua: ruo shi xiao xue zai lei jiao yu s...


Open Access#211999

Social and eco-justice as ignored subjects in environmental education: case studies in Hong Kong primary schools = 偏離社會與生態公義的環境敎育 : 本港小學個案硏究. ; 偏離社會與生態公義的環境敎育 ; Social and eco-justice as ignored subjects in environmental education: case studies in Hong Kong primary schools = Pian li she hui yu sheng...


Open Access#221998

Politicians, legislature, and localism in Guangdong--: towards an institutionalized autonomy


Open Access#232016

Young hearts in Chinatown = 青心在唐人街 : Activating Public Space in Vancouver's Chinatown ; 青心在唐人街 = Young hearts in Chinatown

In: University of British Columbia. SCARP Graduating Projects


Open Access#242015

豈樂殺人,不得不爾: 北朝戰爭與戰爭書寫研究 = Have no choice but to kill : warfare and the writing of warfare in the Northern Dynasties, medieval China. ; Have no choice but to kill: warfare and the writing of warfare in the Northern Dynasties, medieval China ; 豈樂殺人不得不爾 ; 北朝戰爭與戰爭書寫研究 ; Qi le sha ren, bu de bu er: Bei ch...


Open Access#252003

Subaltern public spheres on the Internet: a case study of a Chinese online discussion board


Open Access#262013

"去污名化"的政治: 中国乙肝携带者与公民社会组织的反歧视抗争. ; 中国乙肝携带者与公民社会组织的反歧视抗争 ; 去污名化的政治 ; Politics of de-stigmatization: anti-discrimination social movements among HBVers and NGOs in China ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; "Qu wu ming hua "de zheng zhi: Zhongguo yi gan xie dai zhe yu gong min she hui ...


Open Access#272006

Institution, institutional experience and trust. ; Institution, institutional experience & trust


Open Access#282013

A challenge to the propaganda state: explaining the impact of micro-blog on information control in China


Open Access#292015

社会资本、主体性对贫困家庭青少年的社会心理发展的影响: 基于中国广东中山的研究 = The impact of social capital and personal agency on psychosocial development among adolescents from poor families : a study in Zhongshan, Guangdong, China. ; Impact of social capital and personal agency on psychosocial development among adolescents from poor...


Open Access#302013

Contentious politics in two villages: comparative analysis of anti-high-speed-rail campaigns in Hong Kong and Taiwan. ; 鄉村的抗爭政治: 香港與台灣反高鐵運動的比較研究 ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; Xiang cun de kang zheng zheng zhi: Xianggang yu Taiwan fan gao tie yun dong de bi jiao yan jiu