
538 Ergebnisse


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

World Affairs Online

Open Access#5272016

The Paths to Youth Activism in Hong Kong: A Case Study of the Scholarism


Open Access#5282014

明末清初天主教與佛教關於來世的探討: Debate on afterlife between Catholicism and Buddhism in late Ming and early Qing dynasties. ; Debate on afterlife between Catholicism and Buddhism in late Ming and early Qing dynasties ; Ming mo Qing chu Tian zhu jiao yu fo jiao guan yu lai shi de tan tao: Debate on afterlife betw...


Open Access#5292012

中國外交策略的演變: 以北韓核問題及六方會談為例. ; Zhongguo wai jiao ce lüe de yan bian: yi Bei Han he wen ti ji Liu fang hui tan wei li


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

World Affairs Online

Open Access#5312014

《昭代簫韶》與清代宮廷演劇研究: A study of the glorious music of a brilliant age (Zhaodai xiaoshao) and the court theatre in the Qing dynasty. ; 昭代簫韶與清代宮廷演劇研究 ; Study of the glorious music of a brilliant age (Zhaodai xiaoshao) and the court theatre in the Qing dynasty ; "Zhao dai xiao shao" yu Qing dai gong ting y...


Open Access#5322012

Speaking about the unspeakable: the evolution of political discourse on popular protest in contemporary China. ; 不可言说的话语: 当代中国抗争话语的演变 ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; Bu ke yan shuo de hua yu: dang dai Zhongguo kang zheng hua yu de yan bian


Open Access#5332016

中國的地方環保治理: 選擇性政策執行與中央的再集權 ; Zhongguo de di fang huan bao zhi li: Xuan ze xing zheng ce zhi xing yu zhong yang de zai ji quan


Open Access#5342013

Helping poor children out of poverty?: a multiple-case study of school-based and community-based programmes in Hong Kong = 扶助貧窮兒童脫貧?香港校本計劃及社區為本計劃多重個案研究. ; 扶助貧窮兒童脫貧?香港校本計劃及社區為本計劃多重個案研究 ; Helping poor children out of poverty?: a multiple-case study of school-based and community-based programmes in Hon...


Open Access#5352012

Exploring the multiple meanings of drug addiction: drug discourses in mediation, rehabilitation and local youth drug addicts. ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection


Open Access#5362016

貧困青少年主觀福祉的影響因素及作用機制: 基於青島的研究 ; Pin kun qing shao nian zhu guan fu zhi de ying xiang yin su ji zuo yong ji zhi: Ji yu Qingdao de yan jiu


Open Access#5372015

社会资本、主体性对贫困家庭青少年的社会心理发展的影响: 基于中国广东中山的研究 = The impact of social capital and personal agency on psychosocial development among adolescents from poor families : a study in Zhongshan, Guangdong, China. ; Impact of social capital and personal agency on psychosocial development among adolescents from poor...


Open Access#5382012

Comparison of primary care services among six cities in Pearl River Delta, China. ; 中國珠江三角洲六城市基層醫療服務比較 ; Zhongguo Zhu Jiang san jiao zhou liu cheng shi ji ceng yi liao fu wu bi jiao