
11 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12012

Differencing men's modern art, historical review of Pan Yuliang's xiesheng and the theme of women's culture


Open Access#22013

裂變之後的桃源建構: 清初陶學研究. ; 清初陶學研究 ; Construction of the "Peach-blossom spring": a study of "Tao xue" in the early Qing dynasty ; Lie bian zhi hou de tao yuan jian gou: Qing chu Tao xue yan jiu. ; Qing chu Tao xue yan jiu


Open Access#32012

中國外交策略的演變: 以北韓核問題及六方會談為例. ; Zhongguo wai jiao ce lüe de yan bian: yi Bei Han he wen ti ji Liu fang hui tan wei li


Open Access#42013

發動群眾: 革命、建政與改革時期中國共產黨的社會動員. ; Mobilizing the masses: social mobilizations of the Chinese Communist Party in the eras of revolution, regime building, and reform ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; Fa dong qun zhong: ge ming, jian zheng yu gai ge shi qi Zhongguo gong chan dang de she...


Open Access#52012

從合一運動的視角詮釋香港基督教史: 八十年代香港教會使命諮詢會議為個案的研究. ; 八十年代香港教會使命諮詢會議為個案的研究 ; Ecumenical perspective on the history of Hong Kong Christianity: the Mission Consultation Conference of the Church in Hong Kong in the eighties for case study ; Mission Consultation Conference of the Church in Hong Kong in the eighties...


Open Access#62015

社会资本、主体性对贫困家庭青少年的社会心理发展的影响: 基于中国广东中山的研究 = The impact of social capital and personal agency on psychosocial development among adolescents from poor families : a study in Zhongshan, Guangdong, China. ; Impact of social capital and personal agency on psychosocial development among adolescents from poor...


Open Access#72012

文本與語境: 《北洋官報》與清末北洋新政. ; 北洋官報與清末北洋新政 ; Text and context: the Beiyang gazette and the Beiyang reform of the late Qing dynasty ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; Wen ben yu yu jing: "Bei yang guan bao" yu Qing mo bei yang xin zheng. ; Bei yang guan bao yu Qing mo bei yang xin zheng


Open Access#82012

從抗震动员看當代中国政治的变化. ; Anti-earthquake mobilization in four decades: understanding political change in contemporary China ; Understanding political change in contemporary China ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; Cong kang zhen dong yuan kan dang dai Zhongguo zheng zhi de bian hua


Open Access#92016

殖民地史的性別維度: 香港華人婦女繼承權問題 (1947-1995) ; Zhi min di shi de xing bie wei du: Xianggang hua ren fu nü ji cheng quan wen ti (1947-1995)


Open Access#102015

对刚性制度的软性抗争: 宗族文化对于潮汕地区计划生育政策执行的影响 = Flexible resistance against rigid institutions : the impact of clan culture on the implementation of family planning program in Teochew. ; Flexible resistance against rigid institutions: the impact of clan culture on the implementation of family planning program i...


Open Access#112013

The protection of minority shareholders in the Chinese securities market. ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection