
3 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12015

社会资本、主体性对贫困家庭青少年的社会心理发展的影响: 基于中国广东中山的研究 = The impact of social capital and personal agency on psychosocial development among adolescents from poor families : a study in Zhongshan, Guangdong, China. ; Impact of social capital and personal agency on psychosocial development among adolescents from poor...


Open Access#22016

殖民地史的性別維度: 香港華人婦女繼承權問題 (1947-1995) ; Zhi min di shi de xing bie wei du: Xianggang hua ren fu nü ji cheng quan wen ti (1947-1995)


Open Access#32015

对刚性制度的软性抗争: 宗族文化对于潮汕地区计划生育政策执行的影响 = Flexible resistance against rigid institutions : the impact of clan culture on the implementation of family planning program in Teochew. ; Flexible resistance against rigid institutions: the impact of clan culture on the implementation of family planning program i...