
13 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12019

"Borbenost" u politici Čiste stranke prava (Starčevićeve hrvatske stranke prava / Stranke prava) ; "Rebeliousness" in the Politics of the Croatian Pure Party of Right (Starčević's Croatian Party of Right / Party of Right)


Open Access#22019

Praktična implementacija direktiva o pravu na pristup branitelju i pravnoj pomoći u hrvatskom odvjetništvu ; Practical Implementation of the Directives on the Right of Access to a Lawyer and to Legal Aid in the Croatian Legal Profession


Open Access#32019

PROGRAMI HRVATSKOGA KNJIŽEVNOG ROMANTIZMA (IZMEĐU NACIONALNOGA ROMANTIZMA I ROMANTIČNOGA NACIONALIZMA) ; The Political and Cultural Programmes of Romanticism in Croatian Literature (between National Romanticism and Romantic Nationalism)


Open Access#42019

Čista stranka prava (Starčevićeva Hrvatska stranka prava/Stranka prava) u Virovitici 1895. - 1914. ; Pure Party of Rights (Starčević's Croatian Party of Rights /Party of Rights) in Virovitica from 1895 to 1914


Open Access#52019

Zadarska fotografija između dva svjetska rata u kontekstu afirmacije modernizma ; Zadar Photography between the Two World Wars and the Affirmation of Modernism


Open Access#62019

Upravljanje klimatskim promjenama u šumarstvu i zaštiti prirode: institucionalni okviri u odabranim zemljama jugoistočne Europe ; Climate change governance in forestry and nature conservation: institutional framework in selected see countries


Open Access#72019

"Vratit ćemo narodu državu" – desni populizam, nacionalizam i novi izazovi ; "We will give Back the State to the People": Right-Wing Populism, Nationalism and New Political Challenges


Open Access#82019

(Auto)cenzura na primjerima filozofskih tekstova Diderotove Enciklopedije ; (Self)censorship with examples of philosophical texts of Diderot s Encyclopedia


Open Access#92019

Domovina u književnim predlošcima za lutkarska uprizorenja ; HOMELAND IN LITERARY TEMPLATES FOR STAGING AS PUPPET SHOWS


Open Access#102019

Osnivanje još jednog studija šumarstva u Hrvatskoj ; Establishing yet another study of forestry in Croatia


Open Access#112019

Prizna i Sutojanj - utvrde Justinijanove epohe ; Prizna and Sutojanj - Fortifications of the Justinian Era


Open Access#122019

Ustav, populizam i kraj liberalne demokracije - "referendumanija" ugrožava temelje ustavnog poretka ; The Constitution, populism, and the decline of liberal democracy - 'referendumania' threatens the very fundaments of the constitutional order


Open Access#132019

Treba li osuvremeniti nacionalnu šumarsku politiku i strategiju? ; Should the national forestry policy and strategy be modernized?